more stress coming (43)

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When Purpled wanted to unlock the door he noticed someone already unlocked it. He was 100% sure he had locked the door so he thought Tommy came home early

,,Tommy?" Purpled asked when he stepped inside after closing the door again

,,Tommy?! Are you home?!" Purpled said a bit louder when he heard a crash from upstairs , he ran upstairs in their bedroom and saw Tommy sitting on the bed , he was on the nightdesk and didnt notice Purpled while searching for something.

,what is he doing?..' thought purpled and stayed silent

,,there it is!" Tommy said and had a razor in his hand and turned around looking shocked when he saw Purpled

,,wha- Tommy what are you doing?." Purpled now asked

,,don't shock me like that!" Tommy sighed and smiled at him not even minding the razor in his right hand

,,why are you holding a Razor?. I thought we got rid of them for a reason" Purpled said in a serious voice

,,well?." Purpled asked and Tommy chuckled

,,remember when i still hid some when we first moved here? I remembered i still have one here and wanted to throw it away" Tommy said and Purpled looked at his Arms

,,show me" Purpled sighed and Tommy showed him his arms

,,see?" Tommy smiled and Purpled smiled at him too now

,,good , now throw that thing out and tell me what you are doing here so early" Purpled laughed and they walked down in the kitchen togheter where Tommy threw the blade away

,,My Boss gave me free , he heard about us adopting and he knows how much planning that needs since he adopted with his husband too not long ago and he told me we have to many workers at the moment anyway so its not that bad if i have free" Tommy explained

,,thats nice" Purpled said

,,yea" Tommy smiled and gave Purpled a small kiss on his cheek under his eye

,,i love you" Tommy wispered .

,,i love you too you idiot" Purpled giggled

,,what did you do while i was gone?" Tommy asked and started to make tee

,,i meet someone in the park and we talked a bit , nothing more i guess" Purpled shrugged

,,alright , want to start- ehm- look for baby things?.." Tommy asked nervous

,,Tommy the baby will be here in eight months!" Purpled laughed

,,i know but its stressing me out! We need to start making a room for the kid and i need something to keep me away from my thoughts!" Tommy whined

,,your.. thoughts?" Purpled mumbled

,,oh ehm-"

,,What kind of thoughts Tommy?" Purpled asked

,,its nothing but can we please start looking for stuff and making a room for the baby?" Tommy sighed

,,lets wait till we know what gender it is and then okay? Till then we can start cleaning a room that would be good for the baby" purpled said and tommy smiled at him

,,what about the room next to ours? Its only a bit smaller then ours but its enough for a child" tommy asked

,,yea thats good" purpled smiled and Tommy handed him a cup of tea

,,thanks" purpled giggled

,,no problem" tommy said


,,Tommy stop stressing so much!" Purpled laughed

,,i cant!" He whined and layed his head on Purpless shoulder while Yui just laughed at them, they were at the hospital right now for check up on the baby and to finally find out the gender. It had been three Month and they finally want to know so Yui took them to find out

,,Ok so who wants to know the gender?" A nurse walked in with a happy tone

,,we do!" Yui giggled

,,well then.. want to read it or should i say it?" She asked

,,tell us please" Purpled said , they already had talked about it

,,its a.."

hehehe :) Sorry not sorry but you will have to wait till next chapter also it will take a while till the next chapter will come out bc i have so much to do and when i do have time i dont have any ideas or feel like shit xD

Minecraft Family(SBI + Tubbo adoption Au)(with Purpledinnit)Where stories live. Discover now