,they got in a car crash..' (37)

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They were finally home again , Tommy was really happy about that because now he could Video call with Purpled again.

They arrived at their house at 2 am and Tommy hoped that Purpled was still awake , once he had everything back in his rooms and cleaned everything it was 3 am and he messaged Purpled

Tommy : Hey purp , you awake?

Purpled : Tommy! why didnt you message me the past four days!? I was worried sick you idiot!

Tommy : im so sorry purp , i was at the camping trip with my family , didnt i tell you?

Purpled : oh.. that was this week? I thought next week ;-; sorryy but still!

Tommy : Haha ,i'll try to message you next time , I promise

Purpled : Good, so why are you awake at 3 am?

Tommy : we arrived back home an hour ago and i wanted to see if your awake and want to call?

Purpled : Tommy its 3 in the morning! xD

Tommy : i know but i want to hear your voicee :(

Purpled : Fineee but try to fall asleep while we call!

After Purpled wrote that Tommy called him , he picked up and saw tommy laying in his bed looking in the camera with a big smile

,,You idiot" Purpled chuckled.

They talked for an hour till Purpled noticed tommys eyes started to close , he smiled and stopped to talk, Tommy opened his eyes again and looked at him

,,contiune to talk purp , i love to hear your voice" Tommy said tired

,,alright" Purpled chuckled and contiuned to tell Tommy about his day

,,oh and i met that boy yesterday! I couldnt find my way back to the Hotel and he helped me , we talked a bit and i got his number too, he made.. many compliments" Purpled chuckled

,,what?" tommy mumbled

,,I met a boy?" Purpled said confused

,,and he made compliments?.." Tommy asked confused

,,yea he did , that was annoying" Purpled chuckled

,,you.. dont like him , right?" Tommy asked and Purpled laughed

,,of course i like him! Hes cute.." Purpled said

,,Purpled. You do remember you have a boyfriend right?.." tommy asked nervous

,,oh yea i forgot , sorry tommy but im breaking up with you" Purpled said and tommy looked shocked with tears in his eyes

,,why?.." tommy asked

,,You have to many problems" Purpled shrugged , Tommy started to cry



Tommy shock awake , he looked around and noticed Wilbur was holding him and tears were rolling down his own face

,,w-wha-" tommy mumbled

,,are you okay tommy?" Wilbur asked

,,Wilbur what happened! The phone fell down and i cant see whats going on!" Tommy heard a voice say , he looked down on the floor and saw his phone

,,Tommy! Omg are you okay!?" Purpled asked when tommy picked the phone up , he looked confused at the phone and then at Wilbur before looking at the wall confused

,,i- what happened?.." tommy mumbled

,,you fell asleep and i told you about a boy i met because i was lost and the helped me find the way back to the hotel. After i told you what happened after that you started crying and mumbling things , wilbur came inside to say goodnight and saw you crying and tried to wake you up. And here we are now" purpled explained

,,so.. it was a dream.." tommy mumbled

,,whatever it was , yes it was a dream" Wilbur told him and tommy sighed reliefed

,,Ok" tommy sighed

,,i'll message you later purp.." Tommy said

,,alright , bye love you" purpled said and tommy hang up

,,tommy whats wrong?" Wilbur asked and hugged him again, tommy leaned his head on wilburs shoulder and started to cry again

,,I-i was dreaming Purpled told me about that boy , he said he looked cute and i asked him if he remembered that he still has a boyfriend... t-then he broke up with me! Because i have to many problems! w-what if its true!" tommy explained

,,Tommy.. it was just a dream alright? Purpled would never say that and everyone helps you okay?" Wilbur said and felt tommy nod against his shoulder.

after a few minutes tommy fell asleep and Wilbur carefully layed tommy down on the bed and put the camera over him before leaving the room.

,,how is he?" Techno stood behind wilbur and he was shocked

,,dont shock me like that! and hes alright" wilbur said and techno nodded

,,want to watch a Movie in my room like old times?" Techno asked

,,of course , let me get changed and get some snacks then i will be there" Wilbur said

,,snacks are already in my room" techno said and walked in his room.

After Wilbur had changed he walked in technos room and sat next to techno in the other bean bag. (Techno had two in his room)


Tommy woke up at 1 am to Techno shacking him and telling him to wake up , when he opened his eyes he saw Techno looking worried

,,whats wrong?.." tommy mumbled and sat up

,,Tommy... *sigh* Purpled and the others were in a car crash.." Techno explained and tommy was shocked

,,w-what?.." Tommy mumbled

,,do you want to come with us to the hospital to them? They were on the way home and a drunk man was driving on the wrong side of the road and drove into their car" Techno explained

,,i'll come.." Tommy said and stood up , he got his clothes from yesterday and changed when techno left the room.

After tommy changed he walked downstairs to the others and they all walked to the car togheter. When they got all in and Phil began to drive it made really click in tommys head

,he's really in the hospital..' tommy thought and a tear left his eye

,,Its okay tommy.. their all going to be okay" Tubbo hugged him and tried not to cry , tommy hugged him back

,,let it all out tubs.. its okay to cry" Tommy said and right after he did Tubbo began to cry.

,,i promise they will be okay tubs.." Tommy wispered

Minecraft Family(SBI + Tubbo adoption Au)(with Purpledinnit)Where stories live. Discover now