Chapter 14 ~ Always and Forever

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It was the beginning of July, and I was almost 16 weeks along. We wanted a small, intimate wedding on the beach with only us and our close friends, the fab four of Alex, Mark, Grace, and Stephen. "This spot is perfect and beautiful, just like you are." Johnny said as he had his arms wrapped around me from behind. I picked a secluded, private beach in Key West, Florida. I always liked it here; the vibe was laid back and away from prying eyes. We still had not gone public officially with our relationship or the baby and we liked it that way. I knew it wouldn't be too long before they would find out though. Sensing my nervousness, I felt him trail kisses along the back of my neck. "I'll always protect both of you. Don't worry about the outside. We will deal with it when it's time." I loved how he always made me feel at ease with his words. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. "I know you will. I love you." He gently kissed my lips. "Hmm, I can't wait for tonight." I let out a big laugh and smacked his arm as he held me tighter with a sly grin on his face. "4th of July for a wedding. Who would have thought?" "Well, you wanted fireworks tonight!" Johnny let out the biggest laugh I'd ever heard him do which caused me to laugh with him. I loved being here, happy and in love, with him.

We arranged for an evening wedding on the beach. Oddly enough, I wasn't nervous at all. It was almost like this was supposed to happen. I stood by my open balcony doors looking at the free-flowing wedding dress that was slightly blowing in the warm breeze that I would wear in a couple hours. I was getting married in a couple hours!! The moment hit me, and tears welled up in my eyes. "Are you okay Julie?" I heard Alex say as he wrapped his arm around me looking at the dress with me. Alex and Grace both were with me to help me get ready while Stephen and Mark were with Johnny. "Yeah, I just can't believe this all is happening as fast as it is." "When it's right, there is no time on when things should happen. Just let them happen." Alex said as he kissed me on the head. "Now, let's try on this dress so I can make some last-minute adjustments!" It was free flowing as to hide my growing baby bump just incase someone took pictures that we did not know about. The dress fit perfectly, and the adjustments Alex made camouflaged the bump perfectly! It was a beautiful sequined halter top wedding dress that free flowed from the waist. I wasn't wearing shoes. One, I hated them, two, we were on the beach! I would much prefer to be barefooted anyways. "An angel, a vision in white!" Alex said as he wiped a tear from his eye. "Are you crying Alex?!" "No, allergies." "Uh-huh. Thank you for everything." He came over and embraced me in a hug. "You were called into his life at the perfect time, thank you for not giving up on him." "I'm glad he never gave up on himself and let me into his heart. It's a beautiful place." Alex smiled as he kissed my forehead. "Okay! My turn!" Grace said excitedly as she held up a hairbrush and makeup brush.

Grace enhanced my natural waves and pinned beautiful rhinestone flowers throughout my hair. Like my dress, my hair was also free flowing. It was simple, yet elegant. She gave me a natural make-up look with just enough "notice me" but it was not over the top. I loved it and it was me. Simple, yet elegant. Grace noticed I was deep in thought as we were looking at our reflections in the mirror. "You're beautiful. He is going to be in shock when he sees you!" I smiled but said nothing. "What's wrong?" I touched the anchor pendant that I still had around my neck. I didn't want to take it off, it held a beautiful memory for me of a beautiful night we shared. "I know this isn't our first go around with marriage. Funny, we both swore off marriage yet here we are again. I only hope he will be happy with me." "Julie, that man is crazy about you! Do not forget that beautiful gift you both have coming to you as well." I smiled as I put my hand on my bump. "You have given him SO much that he needed and continues to need. I knew when I first saw you both together that it would be something special and I was right." I smiled and shook my head; she wasn't the only one who has told me that. "Yes, girl! So, stop worrying and get married!" I laughed as Alex pointed out to the beach.

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