Chapter 9 ~ When the Roses Cry

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Chapter 9 - When the Roses Cry

I awoke but my eyes were closed. It was Saturday, my last full day here with Johnny. I was not looking forward to waking up, not knowing when or if I would ever see him again after tomorrow. I clenched the sheets and pulled them up to me, my body hurting all over. Tears flowed down my face as I opened my eyes. It was a cloudy day, unusual for southern California, and the sky mirrored how my heart felt. I slowly got up and sat on the edge of my bed and took a deep breath. I wonder if Johnny is feeling the same way as I am about today. I looked over to my dresser and there sat another surprise. He never forgets and it made my heart happy at that moment. It was a single rose, fully bloomed, with a note attached to it. "Look in all the places that are special to us." Fully bloomed? The rose was fully bloomed! Does this mean he was ready to give his heart? I needed to find him. Before I left my bedroom, I noticed a rose sitting on the chair next to my bed. "It was here that I confided my heart's secrets to you while you slept. You are beautiful when you sleep, an angel." Little did he know I was not asleep that night and heard every word he said. I held the rose tightly in my hand recalling the beautiful memory of that night.

As I made my way downstairs, I noticed Maria busy in the kitchen. "Maria, do you know where Johnny is?" Maria smiled at me. "He went to the city with Stephen for a while, but he will be back soon! Can I get you anything?" "No thanks." Maria nodded her head and went into another room. Look in all the places that are special to us.... I ran back upstairs, knowing his bedroom was one of those places. I slowly opened his door and saw a rose sitting on his bed. "Our souls merged for the first time here. I will never forget the warmth of your skin, your gentle touches, your sweet lips." Tears escaped my eyes. This is going to be harder than I thought. Never forget? No, don't think the worst Julie! I can't think of the worst, I can't. I looked towards the bathroom and made my way there. A rose was against the shower glass. "My mind was racing in here and you came and calmed it with your loving embrace. You calm me in ways so sweet and that means more to me than you know." My heart is breaking but I must go on and find the rest of the roses.

I made my way to the kitchen to get a drink of water. My head was spinning, and my heart was hurting as I held the four roses to my chest. "Johnny has changed for the better since you came here. His heart is happy for the first time in months. He's fallen in love with you, even if he doesn't want to admit it." Maria said to me with a sweet smile. "I really wish you would stay." My breath was shaky as I was trying not to cry again. "I want to, I really do, but I don't see how I can." Maria came over to me and rubbed my arm. "Love always finds a way" she said as she hugged me and went on her way. Dammit! I don't know what to do and it's breaking my heart. I looked out into the living area and noticed a rose on one of the chairs. "We shared a lot here this night after a beautiful date. I played you a song that is meant only for you. You are my inspiration, my world." I smiled, remembering the beautiful song that he played for me. I remember his soft kiss on my lips as I drifted off to sleep on the couch that night. I still wanted to kick myself for falling asleep on him that night!

I went into the music room before I made my way outside. There were two roses, one on the guitar, and one on the piano. I went to the guitar and ran my fingers along the chords, smiling as I remembered that day. "I loved showing you how to make beautiful music. The passion was intense, and my heart fell deeper into yours." I gasped. Maybe he has fallen in love and is afraid to admit it, just like I have. I never thought this would happen. Not only for myself but him as well. I made my way over to the piano and picked up a rose that was on the piano keys. "A beauty wrapped in a sheet that sang beautiful notes made just for her. How those sounds have stayed with me and made their way into my heart." I smiled, remembering how he made me sing those lines and shook my head. I stopped by the kitchen on my way out to retrieve the journal I had hidden in the drawer. Thankfully, it was still there. I had an idea on what else I would put inside it, after I collected all the roses.

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