Chapter 8 ~ The Dance of You and Me

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I awoke in the arms of a beautiful man this morning and it was the only place I wanted to be. Nothing else mattered but him. I raised my head up off Johnny's chest and he was still asleep. A beam of California sunshine came through the window and landed on him perfectly, I never wanted to stop looking at his beauty. I brushed a piece of his dark brown hair away from his face and ever so gently kissed his soft lips. He smiled and it brought a smile to my face as well. He wrapped me against him tightly as we both drifted off back to sleep. I awoke a couple hours later to an empty bed. I hated when he wasn't there with me, it just didn't feel right. I faintly heard music coming from the master bathroom and the shower running. I smiled. I got up and found one of Johnny's t-shirts on the ground. Throwing it on me, it smelled of Johnny. He was quickly becoming my favorite scent as I headed towards the bathroom.

The door was cracked open, and steam flowed out of the bathroom. As I pushed the door open further, I couldn't believe how huge this bathroom was! It could easily be the size of my bedroom back home. There was a free-standing Parisian style tub, an enormous vanity, palm trees, and a waterfall shower. I glanced over at the waterfall shower and saw Johnny inside. He was turned, faced towards the wall with the water flowing over his head and down his back. He looked sad about something, and it killed me. I took the t-shirt off that I was wearing and stepped into the shower with him. Since the music was loud, he had no idea I was behind him. I reached under his arms and hugged him from behind. He froze, startled by my sudden appearance in the shower with him. "Julie..." he then relaxed as he grabbed my hands that were around him and held them tight. "What's wrong Johnny? You seem distracted by something." Johnny turned around and his eyes held so much sadness, it broke my heart. He gave me a sweet smile as he caressed my face. "Nothing that you need to worry about." I hated when he wouldn't let me in but at the same time, I didn't want to pressure him into talking about things he didn't want to. I wanted him to trust me. He gently kissed me on the lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We both didn't seem to mind we were drowning in water from the shower, we just wanted to hold each other.

"Last night was one of the best nights of my life. I've never felt such a deep, intense connection with someone, so soon. I never want it to end." Tears were forming in my eyes. I was scared to tell him, but he had to know, I only hope he felt the same. Johnny wiped my tears away with his thumb as they rolled down my face and brought my lips to his, kissing me deeply and passionately. "I don't want you to go. Please don't leave, stay with me. We can work the details out later for everything else." Ugh! This man had a way of getting straight to my heart with his words in a way no other man ever had. My reality was not like his. I couldn't just drop my life back home although I wanted nothing more than to stay with him. I grabbed him and returned his kiss, feverishly, with every emotion in my body. "Does that mean you will?" Johnny said, looking into my eyes intently. I couldn't answer him. I knew the answer in my heart, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I simply looked down as tears started falling from my eyes again. Johnny embraced me in a most warm, caring hug as he changed the subject. "I must leave in a couple of hours for meetings and to prepare for the after-party tonight. I am beyond excited to have you with me. Just remember, Julie, it's just you and I tonight." What does that mean?! I'll admit I was nervous; people were going to see us together for the first time at an event and I didn't know if I would be okay with the attention. I took a deep breath. "As long as you're with me and don't let me go." "Never, I never want to let you go." Johnny kissed me hard on the lips and trailed kisses down my neck and back up to my lips.

"Turn around." Johnny motioned with his finger for me to turn so he was behind me with the water running down my hair. "What are you..." "Shh... close your eyes and enjoy." Umm, okay. I had no idea what Johnny was up to, but I did as he asked. I took a deep breath as he started washing my hair. Uh-oh. He didn't know my hair was a big turn on for me, or did he? His fingers felt nice as they went back and forth in my hair, as shampoo bubbles went down my back. I turned around and met his passionate eyes with mine. We both had desire at this moment. I brought his lips down to mine as our hands roamed each other's bodies. "You're going to be late." I said with a smirk. Johnny laughed, "some things are worth being late for." "Oh yeah, what kind of things?" "Things like this." Johnny cupped my rear as he brought me to him, with such a playful grin on his face. I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I like these kinds of things."

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