Chapter 3 ~ The Date

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Chapter 3 – The Date 

     I watched as Johnny made his way upstairs along the beautiful, rustic spiral staircase. I leaned against the kitchen island admiring the rearview of this handsome man. He was perfect in every way, and I would make sure he knew it. He deserved to know that he was respected and admired for who he was and not what he had. As he reached the top of the stairs, he turned towards me. “Your room is right here across from mine.” He smiled and winked at me as he went across the hall to his bedroom. God! What is this man doing to me?! I turned around and let out a long sigh. I still can’t believe Johnny asked me out on a date! My head tells me to slow down but my heart is charging me ahead. Somehow, I think Johnny is feeling the same way. I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and made my way upstairs to the guest bedroom. I looked across the hall, two huge doors with golden doorknobs marked where Johnny’s bedroom was, his most sacred space. Oh, what I would give to be in that space with him! I quietly walked over to his bedroom doors and heard a faint sound of a guitar. I put my ear up to the door and was greeted by a slow, serene melody coming from the guitar. There were no words, just a melody that reached into your soul. I smiled and made my way into the guest bedroom that I would call home for the next week.  

     The guest bedroom was beautiful with shades of beige and white throughout. My luggage was already inside, and I noticed a piece of paper that was turned over on one of the pillows on my bed. I sat down on the luxurious bed that was draped in white silk sheets and comforters. I turned the paper over and saw it was a drawing of a rose that was starting to bloom. It simply said, “Thank You, Johnny”. When did he put this in here? Man, he’s quick! The paper had the familiar scent of tobacco and musk. I inhaled the scent and laid on the bed, holding the drawing on my chest. I kept remembering the kiss we had shared earlier, how soft his lips felt on mine. Emotions were stirred within me that had been dormant for so long. It was more than a kiss; it was something more, something special. I only hope Johnny felt the same. I closed my eyes; the jet lag was starting to take its toll on me. Just a few minutes and I will start getting ready for tonight…. 

     KNOCK! KNOCK! “Julie! It’s Stephan. Just letting you know the car will be leaving in 20 minutes!” I jumped out of bed, startled. Shit! “Ok! Thanks, I’m finishing up now!” I looked over at the clock, 3 hours?! I’ve been asleep for 3 hours?! Hell. I looked through my luggage to find something presentable. No, no, no… Ugh! There’s got to be something in here! I finally settled on black yoga pants and a dark blue V-neck. It will have to do. I looked in the mirror, hell. I looked a mess! My hair was naturally wavy and had a mind of its own. I brushed it down as flat as I could and put it into a low, side ponytail. I was not a huge make-up person but wanted to dress up some for tonight, so I put on some face powder, mascara that made my blue eyes pop, and tinted Chapstick to give me soft, pink lips. One more mirror check, it will have to do I suppose.  

     I made my way downstairs. Stephen, his wife, and Johnny were all waiting around the kitchen island. Stephen and his wife were dressed in fine gear, black suit and black dress. I looked over at Johnny, he was also dressed very nice. He had on jeans, a silk black button-down shirt, and a black Fedora hat along with silver chains and rings. He can make anything look sexy! I immediately felt out of place with my clothing. Johnny, sensing my uneasiness, came over to me and whispered in my ear, “You look beautiful. A natural beauty.” There was a sultriness to his voice that aroused me once again. I smiled at him. Johnny wrapped his arms around me, “Don’t worry about what others say or do, all that matters is what I think of you. You’re beautiful, perfect to me”. COUGH…. “We better get going”. Johnny and I looked into each other’s eyes and smiled. “Coming Stephen”. 

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