Chapter 12 ~ In the Shadows

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Chapter 12 - In the Shadows

I could faintly hear sirens around me and see bright lights from behind my eyelids. I could hear screaming, it sounded familiar. I barely opened my eyes, but I couldn't move. I was cold and in pain. "Julie! Stay with me!" I could hear Alex's voice next to me as he held my hand. "Where is the ambulance?!" I could hear Alex shouting. "No!! I'm done with you. I'm tired of you trying to ruin my life! Now you've hurt someone very special to me. Arrest her! Get her away from my sight!" I could hear Johnny screaming at someone and could only guess it was Melissa. Darkness engulfed me again... "Julie! Stay awake! He's coming." No. I didn't want Johnny to see me like this. He couldn't see me like this.... I felt a tear go down my cheek as I closed my eyes. I felt someone start to pull me into their lap. "No! Don't move her! Watch the knife!" The knife? The knife! Did I have the knife in me somewhere? I didn't have the energy to see if I did.

I felt someone lay next to me on the ground, crying, grabbing my hand. I felt kisses on my forehead and a warm hand brushing my hair back. The scent of musk and tobacco. "Joh... Johnny?" "I'm here Julie. Shh, please stay awake! The ambulance is almost here. Don't leave me, please don't leave me. I'm so sorry I didn't protect you. Please stay with me! Julie!!" I was fading in and out of consciousness. I had to stay awake, for him. I forced my eyes open slightly and squeezed his hand. "I'm so sor....sorry I didn't listen." I tried reaching for his face but was too weak to do so. Johnny grabbed my hand and put it on his face, and I forced a smile. He kissed my hand, "No, I'm sorry. I should have been here. You are my world, please don't leave it." I felt dizzy again and my eyes started to close again. "Julie!! Wake up! You must wake up, you know why? Because I love you! I've loved you from the first time I saw you. I'm so sorry I didn't say it sooner. Wake up! Please! Julie!!" I mustered enough energy to open my eyes and turn my head slightly to look at him. I could barely speak but my tears said everything. "I love..." Darkness filled me once again and I lost consciousness.

"Julie!!" I could feel someone gripping my hand tightly and I could feel tears falling onto it. I felt movement. I was being lifted onto a stretcher. I guess the ambulance finally arrived. "Be careful! Stabilize the knife before we lift her" I heard someone say. Stabilize it? I felt pain in my chest and let out a whimper. The knife must be somewhere in my chest! "It's okay Julie, it will be over soon, and you will make it through this, do you hear me?!" I squeezed someone's hand. It had to be Johnny's. I still couldn't open my eyes, I was so tired, so cold. "No, Paul, I'm going with her in the ambulance! I don't care what they say!" "Fine, then I'm coming along with you!" I heard Johnny and Paul faintly arguing about something. I felt movement, we must be driving to the hospital. The whole ride was a blur, but I remember feeling someone squeezing my hand the entire time. Johnny. He didn't say anything, just held my hand trying to hold back his tears. "Johnny, I'm sorry man, I shouldn't have turned around, I should have stayed and held her back. I should have...." "No, this was not your fault. None of you could have prevented this." Johnny had told Paul as he held my hand tightly looking at the knife that was stabilized in my chest, tears rolling down his face. "She's so cold, tell me she will be alright!" "We are almost at the hospital, and they will take good care of her."

I had lost consciousness for a very long time apparently as I woke and was in a semi-dark hospital room. There were bouquets of flowers surrounding my bed and I had an IV attached to my arm. My chest felt heavy, and I felt bandages wrapped around the middle of my chest. This must have been where the knife was. I looked down and saw a head full of dark hair laying on my lap with a hand on my leg. "He hasn't left your side once in the past 4 days." 4 days?! I looked up to see Grace standing against the wall. Oh no! The baby! "Grace, you didn't tell him, did you?" "No, but I told the doctor. They did lab work on you and wanted to wait until you awoke to run more tests but said the numbers looked fine." I breathed a sigh of relief. I looked down and ran my fingers through his head, he was fast asleep. "He hasn't left in 4 days?" "Nope, we barely could get him to eat anything. He wanted to be here when you woke up." I realized I was in a hospital gown. "Grace, where are my clothes?" She looked at me confused and puzzled. "Over a bag." I saw the bag in the corner of the room and hoped the ultrasound picture was still the pocket of my jeans. I smiled at her and nodded my head. It hurt to move, let alone breathe.

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