Chapter 4 ~ The Rose

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CLINK, CLANG, BANG! I was awoken by pots and pans being moved around. A beam of warm California sunshine shined through the window and hit my eyes. Wait! Pots and Pans?! I opened my eyes and realized I was still laying on the red couch in the living area. Oh no! I fell asleep while Johnny was playing me a song on his guitar! I hated myself right now. I wanted to stay awake all night with him, but I guess sleep had other plans. I hope he is not upset! I popped my head over the couch and saw Maria, the housekeeper, busy cleaning the kitchen. "Good morning sweet Julie! I hope I did not wake you." "Oh no, not at all. I had to get up anyways." I laid my head back down on the pillow that was on the couch, still frustrated with myself. Rubbing my eyes, I decided to sit up and noticed a small bouquet of white and lavender daisies in a crystal vase sitting on the coffee table. Hmm, this wasn't here last night. There was a card in the bouquet that simply read, I remember. I smiled and brought the daisies to my nose. If Spring had a scent, this would be it. Johnny remembered I had mentioned in our previous conversations that daisies were my favorite flowers! Then I recalled what he had said to me yesterday, "I pay attention to the small things when I'm with someone I care deeply for." Tears formed in my eyes. Damn it! He is doing it again and he is not even here. Sigh. This man is seriously going to be the end of me. I noticed another piece of paper that was turned over, sitting on a pile of books that were next to the bouquet of daisies. I flipped it over and it was another drawing of a rose, this time it was halfway opened. It simply said, "Be patient with me for my heart is almost yours." What?! The rose drawings meant something. Could the petals be his heart opening, I wondered. I smiled as I detected the familiar scent of musk and tobacco. These rose drawings mean the world to me. If this is how Johnny wanted to relay his feelings, I was all for it! The more he opened his heart to me, the more protective I felt towards him. I would not let anyone hurt him ever again. If only I could show him how much I was falling for him, heart, body, and soul.

I walked over to the kitchen island and sat on one of the bar stools, still trying to wake up. "Maria, what time is it?" "Almost 11am, ma'am." What?! Goodness, Johnny must think something of me for sure. Maria smiled and asked if I would like a cup of coffee or tea. "Hot tea please and thank you." I needed to wake up and find Johnny. I was still in yesterday's clothes and I'm sure I looked a hot mess, but I did not care. I needed to find him. Maria sensing my thoughts, handed me my cup of hot tea. "Johnny is over there." She pointed outside towards the art studio. I noticed the door was propped open. As I was heading out, Maria said to me, "You are different than the others. You are sweet and kind. You are what Johnny needs." Tears welled up in my eyes again. "He is what I need." I turned and walked out of the house, heading towards the open door of the art studio. Before entering, I stopped and looked up at the balcony. It was huge from down here! Sweet memories filled my head, our first kiss was up there. The kiss that changed everything. I closed my eyes and smiled, it was a beautiful memory and one I would cherish for the rest of my life.

As I opened the door further, I noticed papers and canvases laid out all over the floor in between the couch and island. Paint and markers surrounded the beautiful creations. It looked like Johnny had been out here for a while. Did he even sleep last night?! Now I feel even more guilty. "Johnny? Are you in here?" There was no answer. Hmm, where is he? I found a leopard print blanket draped over one of the art easels and decided to wrap myself in it. It was a crisp day for being March and in southern California. I walked over to a small table in the corner of the room where I had laid my cup of hot tea. As I was sipping my drink, I stopped. I almost dropped my cup as I recognized a beautifully framed handwritten poem that was in the middle of the table surrounded by candles. It was one of the poems I had sent to him last year during his trial with his ex-wife. One of the poems he personally emailed me and thanked me for. I put the cup of hot tea down and wrapped myself tighter in the blanket. Overcome with emotion, tears flowed. I can't believe he framed it, and it is now sitting in his art studio!

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