C2 P3 Sleep over

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(Sorry I took a long beak on the series, but heyyyy it's back!)

Louis decided that Yb would be best in...the back of the car- which you didn't mind since he was a bit..well, loco. Anywho, ya'll finally made it back at the hotel. Louis guided you out of the car as Yb watched in envy, although he made sure to lock arms with you once getting inside the hotel.

"Hello! Welcome to Alabroz hotel! What sort of room would y'all like?"

The receptionist said with a bright smile...You placed about 60 dollars on the counter and politely and tiredly asked for a simple 3 bed room...silence filled the lobby as she looked through a folder before tapping her finger nail onto the counter rhythmically.

"Ohh...sorry, we just gotten booked on the 3 bed's- would a 2 bedroom be okay?"

Before you could even say one word, Yb placed his hand onto your shoulder and stepped in. Nodding his head and agreeing to the receptionist...obviously he wanted to sleep in the same bed with you- but would you really let him? No. Not at all. "Thank you ma'am, have a good night", yb spoke in a...different tone actually. Soft...gentle....calm- almost as if he was normal- SOUNDING normal. You caught a nervous glance from Louis as he even noticed it as well. As the 3 of yall took every step, you couldn't help but to feel nervous...a room with you, yb, and Louis?- yikes....ingredients to a catastrophic disaster-....and when ya know it- your in the hotel room. It looked...poor. Very, very poor- almost like a grandma's bedroom. Tacky wall paper, weird smelling carpet, and the bedsheets was very...well, old. But hey, it's a room for the night.

You turned to yb, he seemed a little jittery.

You turned to Louis, he seems a bit relieved...maybe because of the fact we gotten a hotel room..

And you. Nervous, tired, hungry a-

"So, two beds....do you want to share a bed y'n..?"

Your thoughts was interrupted with yb speaking right by your ear, causing you to jump back and think for a moment. Looking off to the side, you bit your lip and shook your head in a 'no' manner. Not even wanting to see what his reaction would be. Though, he pushed the question again. "Are you sure? I mean, one of us wouldn't have a bed ya'know. If it makes you feel any better...ha- I'll sleep with my back facing you...?"


That....wasn't too bad of a thought actually. He wouldn't see you, and you wouldn't see him-...the only downside is that he'll be 1feet from you for about 7 hours...but hey, it's only one night anyways...heh.

What could go wrong?

About an hour or so later, y'all settled in for the night, closing the blinds and had dinner. Louis had already taken you to the side and asked if you 'REALLY' wanted that fucking maniac to sleep with you...which you tried and give some excuses but really didn't help. He gave you a look. A really 'bad' look. Although, it was your decision
After all.

Hopping into the bed, you felt it shift...with a body joining you in the bed. A small shiver came up your spine as you slowly turned your head to see if yb kept his word....and so he did, he didn't speak to you, he didn't move, he was just laying there- his back facing you. Creepy- but hey, it's better than him staring at you all night. You turned around, back facing him as well...closing your eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep. You didn't even notice that the bed...shifted...again.

You didn't notice that Louis lamp turned on.

You didn't notice the footsteps from your bed to the balcony.

You didn't notice a thud, a small...crack.

You didn't notice a low chuckle before the bed shifted again...

You fell asleep after all.

Your boyfriend  (YB x y/n) series Where stories live. Discover now