P.10 Death

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pulling up to Louis house, you excitedly hopped out running to the door and repeatedly rung the doorbell. "Louis Louis!" The door open, Louis smiled and y'all embraced each other in a hug. You told him that y'all needed to talk, about what happened since you was gone for while. Walking into the house, you looked around in the familiar area, you've been here a couple times to study or hang with him. Then you sat down at their kitchen table and Louis sat down at the other end, waiting for you to tell your story. As you was telling, Bf/n was camping outside of the house with his truck lights off. Watching y'all through the window. "My...darling went to HIS house..? How could she..." after couple minutes the doorbell rang and Louis gotten up. You was a bit couscous about opening it so you placed a hand on his shoulder. "Check the peephole.." you whispered to Louis ear. Checking it...they see Bf/n, smiling and holding a present like box. As Louis look back at you in horror, you already knew what was on the other side. "He's gunna bust in if we don't open the door...just...just act normal-" Louis nodded at your risk full plan. Unlocking the door, Louis opened the door. Bf/n eyes darted towards you first. "I have a little gift...may I come in?" Louis quickly look at you for what to do- "oh yea yea you can-" Bf/n walked in with a jolly smile, placing the box on the table and sitting down. "So this must be your boyfriend you was talking about...?" Your eyes widen at Louis words, smart move..."boy friend?! Oh darling you told him about us!" His face would blush as his hands would claps together in awe. "Yea I did..." he could tell you felt nervous and unease, "so uh..what's in the box..?" As you asked, his face distorted into a menacing smile as he half way opened his eyes. "We'll...it's for you.." he'd push the box to you with a finger. You looked at it then at him. Louis would stand behind you at the point, holding the back of your shirt in nervousness. You slowly opened the box...it's..

"Why did you get me a gun.."

Bf/n would get out of his chair and get on his knees, opening his arms out. "So you can feel better! Go on! Shoot me!" He'd say that as you was grabbing the gun, making you startled at the request. You could end this in a flick of a finger...Louis behind you was whispering..begging you to just do it. But you looked at his eyes. Bf/n eyes...his face. The sweet smile and his blue eyes, it took you back to y'all first lunch, slowly falling in love with him before he had murdered..your hand Trimble, aiming it at his head. He didn't flinch or move in the slightest...just encouraging. "Come on darling...you can do it...." Darling, the sweet but bitter name he gave you, hearing that and not being able to hear it again made you...sad. Sad? You was still so confused about how you felt...you aimed the gun to your chest.. your eyes filled up in tears as you watched his smile quickly frown. "Don't. Don't do it- hey hey hey put it down.." you wiped your tears off and angrily looked at him. "NO, you- you fucking destroyed me...what did you do to me...I...I love you but...I know I shouldn't.." Louis would back up away from you, getting out of the way as Bf/n got up. "I love you too...we..we can work this out y/n.." you seen that he had a hopeful smile but you also seen that he had tears too. For the first time you started to seen him cry. "Please my love...I want to see you smile again, let me see you happy y/n.."he'd smile as tears ran down his face. You turn the gun to him once more, at his own chest. "I'm done with you...I'm so...so done..you wanna see me smile..? SMILE!?" You smiled, the same way he did, chaotically. Before he could say another word, you pulled the trigger.


You watched as he fell back in the floor, blank face and eyes closed. Everything around you felt so unreal, just a month ago you just got out of your job and met this man..now you killed this man. Hearing Louis in the background panicking, you slowly walk over to him. Placing your hand on his cheek, still felt warm as ever, but you didn't feel happy about this. Satisfied even...you was sad. So dearly sad. "Why did you have to do this...why...why.." you whispered at him tears dropping on his face. "Y/n! Y/n we need to go! LIKE RIGHT NOW" you turned your head quickly. Agreeing with Louis, you ran out of the house with Louis- taking only valuables. Y'all needed to just leave the state, or even country. You didn't know what family he could have that would kill y'all for shooting him, or even the police could find y'all- all you thought of is just leaving FAR away from this place. "Y/n- what did you just got us in!? We could go to jail! MOSTLY YOU!" You sat back in the passenger seat of Louis car looked down, in a emotionless matter. "Just...just drive"

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