P.3Night stalker

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Now it's been a couple of days since you seen Bf/n. You have talked to him here and there but you kinda had your mind on other topics like work or finishing college and...where you co worker went. It was about 9pm and you was sitting on the couch, watching the news. Finding out that he's missing- you didn't have much feelings for him anyways. He was just a co worker and you've been annoyed of him anyways.
(Knock knock) uh- who would that be? You don't expect any visitors this late in the night. You quietly walked to the door and looks in the peep hole. "Bf/n..?" You opened the door, seeing him with a bag of chick-fil a. "Oh hey, your still awake." He said with a smile. "Mhm- how do you know my address..?" There was a pause then he'd look away and scoff. "Well, I followed you back one day." Your eyes widen and you felt a bit of anger but mixed with anxiety. "You what!? That's stalking!" He'd place his finger over his mouth "shh...you wouldn't wanna make a seen, and it's okay! I'm not gunna do anything to you! Would you..care for some food?" You glared at him then the food, but- you was hungry. So you let him in. He walked in happily, setting the bag in the table and taking out the items as you locked the door. It felt as if everything in you was telling you to kick him out as you didn't trust him that much..the way he is...his voice, choice of words...even the same outfit he wears just seems so off. But you looks down at the food, "oh- hey this is my favorite..." you picked up the chicken sandwich and bite into it. He'd smile as he watched you eat- it distracted you for a bit and you looked down, seeing he didn't get himself anything. In mid chewing you ask "you want my fries? I mean.." he'd shook his head, just staring at you. You looked away, continuing to eat but the air became more dense and your face tilted down. He noticed that- "so, how's your day?" You pop your head up from his question, you finish your sandwich- "oh, pretty alright. I seen on the news that they still haven't found my co worker yet. Have you seen them?" As you said that, you notice a grin spread on his face and calm eyes glance toward you. "Well...I just...took care of him." Your heart skipped a beat, and you slowly slid your chair back. "What do you mean..?" He stood up, and started walking to the other side of the table to you, but you got up to and started walking backwards. "Like...made sure he wouldn't mess with you again..." your ears started ringing, your heart started pumping and your legs started getting weak. "Hold on-! Stop walking!" You yelled, and he did so. Stopping in the middle of the living room as you was in the corner. "Dear- I did it for you...aren't you happy their gone? You don't have to deal with them anymore.." your eyes started tearing up from what he was saying, you sorta trusted him. The things he said- you...you had some sort of feelings for him but...you needed to get over it now. "Get out...get out of my fucking apartment you weirdo.." he kept his smile as you said so, walking to the front door and shutting it. What just happened, should you call the cops? You didn't know what to do...you walked to the front door and locked it. Then turned off the tv and headed to your room, feeling tired. you instantly shut your eyes and drifted off as it was about 11 pm.
(BANG) you woke up quickly, did something drop? Checking your phone. 4am-. Getting up and walking out your room, you turned on the living room light and...your front door is open...you ran to the kitchen to grab a knife and slowly look around. "IF ANYONE IS HERE! I HAVE A WEAPON!" You heard a chuckle and out of a corner you seen a figure...Bf/n. "Oh I'm sorry for awakening you dear, I didn't mean to smash the whole door in-" you yelled over him "GET OUT!" He stood there,Surprised...and then went back to a sly smile. "Oh...y/n. Calm down sweet heart..." he'd walk forward towards you- is he insane!? "Get out! And I'm not your fucking sweet heart you maniac!" You aimed the knife at him, holding it with both of your hands. It just seemed like he smiled even wider, getting closer with each step...then...right in front of you. Casting his shadow on you. Your hands would shake as you looked up at him. "I know you don't wanna do it...just put it down.." he leaned down to you but you crouched down, trying to get away from his face. "ILL- ILL STAB YOU- I SWEAR I WILL IF YOU DON'T BACK UP" Bf/n would place his finger on your knife, tapping it. "Then do it.." his words caught you off guard- you...you thought about it. He'd place his hand on the knife now, slowly pushing his hand on it. You pulled the knife back quickly- to...not harm him? "I knew you didn't wanna hurt me...oh my dear..." he'd grab the knife by the blade and grip it, pulling it out your hands and tossing it. You didn't know how to feel...about him. "Don't- don't hurt me..." you muttered in a shaken tone. You looked at him and it seems like he genuinely had a concern face. "I would never hurt you...I'll protect you..and love you...care for you...appreciate you..." as he continued talking, he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you up back on your feet. "I'll love you so much...I'll give you anything my dear..." you...you couldn't help but smile at his words but you felt tears drop from your face- you still didn't wanna trust him. "Stop...stop it..." you muttered as well, he chuckle and place his hand under you chin, moving it up to look at him. "I could never...your to perfect to ever stop for..." you'd blush at the gesture but pushed him away- making him fall to the ground. You tried to make a run for it, to the broken door. But he grabbed your ankle- making you fall as well. "HELP! HE-" a hand covered your mouth. "Shhh darling...shhh...it's okay...I love you...I love you.." you panicked, breathing fast and trying to hit him off. He pulled you in his arms and wrapped his body around you, into a ball. Almost like cradling you. You still kept fighting, trying to pull your way out of it and head butt him. But- after about an hour, your body gave out. Leaning back on him and taking deep breaths. He'd finally uncover your mouth and picked you up in his arms. Your body felt weak but you still was anxious about the situation. "Fuck...you.." you whispered as he picked the front door back up, placing it where it belongs-And then locked it. He chuckled at your weak voice. "I'll put you in your bed dear.." he walked over to your bedroom and gently places you in your bed. You turned away from him as he placed the blanket over you. "Good night...y/n." How could he say that in such a calm voice? After what just happened- it...it made you feel very disturbed. He walked out of the room, but dragged a chair in. Placing it in the corner of the room- he also grabbed a book. "Your gunna watch me sleep..?" He'd laugh at your question. "Of course not, I'm just gunna make sure you don't leave without me...I'll be reading in the meantime...get some rest dear." Dear..? That name...you couldn't believe he could call you that from what just happened. But...you didn't have anything else to do. He would catch you if you run out so you just closed your eyes and hope he wouldn't do anything to you.
You woke up, around 6am. You opened your eyes and you didn't see him- but you heard some ruckus happening in the living room. He must be in there- you then looked at your window. You could hop out- your only on the 2nd floor anyways, you'll probably be fine. Slowly...getting up from your bed. You went over to the window and started opening it. "Freedom.."

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