chapter 6

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Nahhh my parents found out i read smut💀 anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter 😘

It was the afternoon, Jiang Cheng was just doing what every sect leader does. "I'm so tired.. " he thought. 𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠, "oh Jiang Cheng~" Wei wuxian said as he opens the door, "ugh.. What do you want.. " Jiang Cheng said "me, lan zhan, and lan xichen are gonna go drink.. Or at least I am gonna be the one drinking.. Unless you come? " Wei wuxian said. Jiang Cheng did need a break so he agreed. "Alright, come on! " Wei wuxian said running out the door. Jiang Chengs brother instincts kicked in , he thought about it first, "ah.. No I should not chase after Wei wuxian" he thought.

-at the place-

"Ah! You are finally here! " Wei wuxian said, Jiang Cheng looked at Wei wuxian with a glare. "Greetings" lan xichen said. "Hm? Oh there is no need to greet me, we are not here for a meeting" Jiang Cheng said. "Ah, sorry, its a habit" lan xichen said. "It's alright" Jiang Cheng said as he pours himself some Emperor's Smile. "Jiang Cheng it's best if you don't get into your drinking habits again.. " Wei wuxian said. "Don't worry I won't I know how to control myself" Jiang Cheng said as he took a sip of emperors smile. "Drinking habits? " lan xichen thought. Lan xichen poured himself some emperors smile and took a small sip. "Ah! Lan xichen your drinking!? " Wei wuxian said. "I see why not since we are out of gusu" lan xichen said. "Lan zhan!" Wei wuxian said but he got no response. "... And he fell asleep.. " Wei wuxian said. " sleeping before getting drunk? " lan xichen said. "I thought it was weird first  too but I got used to it. " Wei wuxian said. Jiang Cheng was just sitting there taking sips of emperors smile. Silence filled the room making everyone feel awkward. Lan wanji woke up and took wei wuxian to a room they rented. "Ah, lan zhan you are awake" Wei wuxian said as he got pulled away.

Lan xichen and Jiang Cheng looked at each other with confusion. "I guess it's just us two" lan xichen said. Silence filled the room lan xichen stared at his cup while Jiang Cheng was taking a few sips at a time. "Uhm.... " lan xichen said. "Hm? " Jiang Cheng said. "What did Wei wuxian mean when he said don't get back into your drinking habits" lan xichen said "oh.. I was addicted to drinking like idk I forgot how long ago every time I got drunk..  some things I did was.. Not good" Jiang Cheng said. "Oh.. " lan xichen said. "It's fine now. . I think" Jiang Cheng said. Lan xichen looked at with a concerned look. "Anyways what is your brother doing to wei wuxian? " Jiang Cheng said. Lan xichen looked away like he was embarrassed to say it. Lan xichen knew what's happening since he did walk in On them once. "You don't need to say it if your not comfortable" Jiang Cheng said. "Ah, no, it's fine, let's say they are doing their everyday means everyday activity" lan xichen said.  Jiang Cheng looked confused but he just ignored it.

After a few shots and some talking someone fell asleep. Lan xichen looked over to Jiang Cheng to find him asleep. Lan xichen carefully picked him up and took him to his room that Wei wuxian(lan wanji actually paid) rented for him and put him on the bed. Lan xichen started to walk away but he felt something grab his robe. "Ple.. as.. e stay.. " Jiang Cheng half asleep. Lam xichen looked at him with a smile, "sure" lan xichen said. Lan xichen sat on his bed and started to play with his hair.

As lan xichen started to walk away he got pulled into the bed and he felt warm arms hug him. "Jiang Cheng? " lan xichen tried to wake him up but there was no answer, just movement and snores. Lan xichen sighed and just fell asleep too.

Ah, I'm so sorry that this took a long phone broke but it's alright I have a laptop! Chapter 7 may take a long time, sorry..anyways have a good day/night

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