(Jk hug JHope put his head on Jhope's chest.)
Jk: I am sorry Hyung but I don't have any choice (crying) he was trying to killed
you and....
JHope: I.... I know baby don't need to say something.... (Backaway and cupped
JK's face) I trust you (wipe JK's tears) I trust you baby shu....
Namjoon: Kook stop blaming yourself bub we know you more than yourself
(Jk look at Namjoon) What! I found about yourself a year ago that you are a
Undercover Officer!
Yoongi: Me also
(All look at YoonNam in confusion and shock.)
Jk: How?
Namjoon: Brat who left his important file in Gym Hh...! And that also just
because you got some emergency!
Yoongi: And Mr. Officer who the hell hide his Gun and certificate behind the
mirror of wardrobe (desbelief)

(Mr. Jeon and Jk look at YoonNam being dumbfounded.)
Mr. Jeon: Then also how you got that he is Undercover Officer?
Namjoon: Well his bestfriend is just like him a big Coconut Head (chuckle)
(Jk and Mr. Jeon start to think about whom they are talking. YoonNam get so
done with both of them.)
Yoongi: Don't put pressure on your stressful brain it's Hyunjin!
Jk: How the hell he told you both everything!
Namjoon: Not everything we just confirm that you are Undercover Officer
and by the way as a Citizen we know that we must not ask this type of
Profession what they have a Mission so we only know that you are a Under
cover Officer JJK. Nothing else!
Jk: Without knowing anything you both support me why? (Hopeful eyes)
Yoongi: Because we trust our baby we know him, we raised him and we have
a faith on our Morals (looking at Mr. Jeon) as always we let you do whatever
you want!

Namjoon: And what you think Hh..? We let you live alone in Australia with
Hobi Hyung. And most important how many times a day you meet with Hyuni
(Raised his eyebrows)  we have our own ways to keep eyes on you but then I
thought to let it be my Kook will never disappoint us and look you are here!
(Jk smile with his bunny smile tears are already present in his eyes but now he
just want to say Thanks to god for millions of times to give him brothers like
Jk: I lob you (cutely)
Namjoon: Oww We Love you to Bun
Yoongi: (fix JK's clothes) Look Kook we understand you that time you don't have
any choice to deal with Ji-Sung. But we got to know right that he was already
a criminal a psycho so you just protect many people's and give them justice. I
don't know many things about law as you know but there is something which
never declared you as guilty. Forget about that now you are a Police Officer a
protector and follower of Law so just do that Ok 

Namjoon: Don't need to feel guilty and fixed your relation with Tae he needs
you bun. He loves you alot and you also hmmm.... (Patt JK's head)
Jk: But I messed up very bad (pout)
JHope: It's Ok baby he will understand you that's why from last 2 months he
stay quite. He is just hurt by your reaction and reason which also a lie just
give him sometime (kiss on Jk's forehead) and I am proud on you my baby
grown up so well!
(Jk smile and all stand from floor. Till now they are kneeling infront of Jk)
Jk: But Uncle!
Mr. Jeon: Don't worry as you say he only look like Hitler but I know how to
understand him (playfully)
Yoongi: Hitler? (So done) Don't utter this word infront of Tae otherwise
ready to sign on divorce papers
Jk: Hyung.... (Whine)
Mr. Jeon: Kook go to your Mom (Jk nodded and left)

 Jeon: Kook go to your Mom (Jk nodded and left)

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