Freya, now white-knuckling the steering wheel of her jeep, loosened her grip as the strain against her hands jolted her back to the present moment. She held her hands to her chest, rubbing small circles around her knuckles to get the blood flow circulating again.

"Sorry, Luna.." She whispered to her white jeep, patting the steering wheel lightly as if it were a sentient being.

Freya heard her phone buzz and pulled it out of the cup holder in the middle console. She slid left to unlock her screen, and her mouth curved up in a warm, fuzzy smile at the incoming call.

Aunt Kate's warmth poured through the speaker, soothing any lingering nerves that had wormed into her heart, "Hey, kiddo, I just wanted to call and wish you luck on badge day!"

Today, she would pick up her badge and meet with her new partner, Antonio, who would mentor her during her transition into the unit as a full-time officer.

Freya, feeling the healing balm from her motherly gesture, leaned against the headrest, smiling with a grateful heart as she responded, "I have you to thank for pushing me all these years," She paused, the corners of her mouth dropping slightly, "Who knew this day would come by so fast.."

It was a bleak reminder of how quickly time had passed since that fateful night.

There was a palpable pause before her aunt murmured, "You know she's proud of you, too," The lump in her throat was distinct even over the phone.

The little reminders gently smoothed the rough edges of Freya's heart, reminding her of the support in her corner. Most adults would have freaked out at the idea of their child running around at night with ghouls and goblins, but not Aunt Kate.

She quickly pulled the visor down to inspect her makeup, ensuring there were no smudges around her eyes and that her ruby-red lips were still sculpted to perfection.

The last thing she wanted to do on her first day was show up like a hot mess express.

Freya cradled the phone against her ear while juggling to turn off the ignition.

She sighed, hopping out of her jeep, and furrowed her brows together as the familiar ache of grief grappled through her heart.

Time didn't heal all wounds. Whoever said that was full of shit.

Time only offered you an opportunity to process grief. And if you were really diligent, you wouldn't let it consume you.

And even never really faded away.

"I feel her with me every single day," Freya instinctively tugged at the heart-shaped amazonite crystal that her mother had gifted her for Christmas the year before her death. Mini-rubies dotted the outline of the heart, a reminder of the bright passion that burned in her heart.

"Me too," her aunt agreed. She imagined her aunt smiling, nodding at their shared sentiment.

There was a slight pause before her aunt filled the silence, her voice rising with a brightness that could rival a sunrise. "Well, I know you don't want to be late on your first day. Let's celebrate tonight before your sleep-adjustment period starts,"

"Wine and pasta, then?" Freya ventured with a knowing smile.

They would have Wednesday wine-down nights together once or twice a month, during which they would rotate picking out fresh bottles of wine. Her aunt chose her bottles based on research, while Freya chose her bottles based on whether the art on the label caught her eye.

"Of course. I can't think of a better way to celebrate." There was a brief shuffle of papers before the sound of a muffled voice appeared on the line. "Oh, call me later, okay? One of my students is here for their morning appointment,"

Marked - Night Shift Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now