Silver x Reader - Sleeping beauty

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"Ah, Grim!"

You were in the middle of your alchemy lesson when you noticed that Grim wasn't beside you, like you had instructed him.

"It's always so boring here." He crossed his arms and looked at a bunch of vials and jars.

"There's gotta be some cool stuff here that'll go KABOOM or somethin'." He reached out for a tightly shut vial that contained some neon colored liquid.

"Don't touch that!" You yelled as you leaped forward to grab him.

"Eep!" He avoided your hands and jumped on a small table full of ingredients. Inadvertently, his tail quickly swished to the side, hitting some kind of glass container.

Then came a crash of glass and some sort of content spilling all over the floor.

Useless to say, Crewel wasn't happy about it. He harshly scolded the both of you.

"Grim will stay here and clean up this mess. You, pup. Will go fetch some more of that resin from the botanical garden. Then, you'll bring it to me."

"Myha?! But it's almost lunch time!" Grim retorted dejectedly.

"You'll have to take responsibility for your actions, disobedient pup." Crewel just glared sternly in response, pointer at hand.

"You first years have a free period after lunch, yes? Wonderful." Crewel walked up to you as you nodded, meekly.

"I'll keep this bad boy on check." He gestured to Grim. "You can go have your break. Then, during your free period, you'll bring the resin back here. I'll be with the second years from class A."

He lightly swatted his small whip on his hand. But he didn't seem particularly mad at you. Mostly annoyed by Grim, you had tried to stop the small creature after all.

You nodded and then gave a small bow. Immediately putting your things away, ready to head toward the cafeteria.

"Mhnyaaa! It's unfair." Grim whined as Crewel-sensei sent him a glare.


After quickly eating something at the cafeteria and explaining everything to your friends.

You stood up, leaving a cackling Ace behind, as you headed to the botanical garden.

It actually wasn't so difficult. It took you more time to find the right plant rather than actually getting the resin out of it.

It was a really easy and quick process. Because of that, by the time you were walking back towards the chemistry lab, the bell had barely rang.

"It should be more than enough..." You mumbled to yourself. You had picked up a little more of what originally was in the beaker. Just to be sure.

Everyone was already in class, but you still had a while before the end of your free period.

You lightly pushed the classroom's door open and peeked inside. All of the students were already stirring away in their cauldrons.

Crewel noticed you almost immediately and gestured you to come in.

"I see you've already brought back what I asked you to." He gave the container in your hands a look and picked it up, to examine it.

"Yes, this should be fine. Well done, pup." He patted your head with a small grin and gave you the beaker back and pointed to a shelf in the back of the classroom.

"You can put it there. And don't worry. The moment your furry friend finished cleaning, he sprinted toward the cafeteria. He'll most likely still be there."

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