Chapter 4: the "ONE" rejected

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No one's pov:


Fireball:Not if Mister Pickaxe has anything to say about that!

Fireball throws her pickaxe but before it could hit it's target,Sunny catches it.

Sunny:It's not a puny pickaxe that's gonna stop me and now,if you'll excuse me *drops the pickaxe* i'll go explore this world.

Oodle:Wait,what if the objects that fainted regains consciousness?

Sunny:Well,if they do,tell them that i'm exploring for a bit and that i'll come back later,anyway,toodles!

Sunny's pov:

I started walking around,i was listen to my fav music,humming the lyrics,but then,my fav part of the song came and i had to sing it out loud but i didn't do it to avoid having weird looks on me.

Then,i started smelling the good smell of a flower so i stopped and sniffed the flower,i looked around me until i saw that no objects were around.

"Weird,no objects are here but i can still sence that i'm not alone in this area." i said and i noticed a lone object.

I approach the mysterious object and sit next to them.

"Hey,i couldn't help but noticed you were alone,you ok?" i said with a gentle voice but i didn't get an answer.

"Helloo?" i asked,still no answer,until...

"I don't who you are but leave me alone." the object said to me. "No,i won't leave until you say what's wrong,i hate seeing people,or in this case object,sad,also i forgot to present myself,i'm Sunny,Sunny the dragon."

I could see the object was shocked by hearing that i'm a dragon and turned it's head around...until i saw the object's face was a bit cracked so i covered my eyes with my wing.

"What?" the object asked "Nothing,i just noticed that you were a bit cracked and i didn't want to look at the crack,sorry" i replied.

I removed my wing from my sight and said something "By the way,what's your name?" i asked the object "I'm Airy." "Cool name,i never seen nor talked to someone named Airy. Anyway,it seems like you have no friends soo do you want to be my friend?" i asked,sticking my paw out for Airy to take it "Sure,why not." he took my paw and i throwed him on my back.

"Is it comfortable on me?" i asked "Yeah,it's pretty comfortable." Airy replied "Ok,hold tight cuz imma run towards my other friends."

Then i started to run towards where my other friends are with a new friend on my back.


Phew,that was hard.

Sorry if i made the wrong personality for Airy but i didn't watch the object show where he came from.

Anyway,spoiler,next characters that Sunny will meet are my favorite OSO characters:Holly and Graffiti.

I'll see you next time.


Total words:446

One between objects(object show AU story)(feat. My osc and my oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon