Chapter 19 - Options

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The aide perked up, seemingly aware of his distress. She bit her lip, watching Ashton as he shook his head.

"Uhm, Franny, I don't—" but the nurse was already gone, and a tall blonde curly haired man was bursting in, a dark haired man right on his heels.

"Ash," Luke gasped out, rushing to the bedside. He collapsed at the edge, kneeling on the floor, his hands holding Ashton's like he never wanted to let go. "Ash, I was so worried, what..."

Calum spoke up, putting a hand on Luke's shoulder almost to keep him back, his words pausing at the touch.

"Ash, we're both so glad you're okay,"

The man in the bed shook his head.

"D-don't be." He bit his lip, wincing at his raspy voice. "You shouldn't be h-here, it's not worth it,"

Luke and Calum's jaws dropped in shock.

"Baby, how could you say something like that? Of course you're worth it. We've been waiting in the ER lobby since we got you here,"

Ashton frowned.

"Why did you do that, why am I here?"

Calum tilted his head.

"Why did we wait for you,, why did we bring you here?" He asked in a small voice, kind of catching on to Ashton's mental state.

"Bring me here?"

"Ash, please don't talk like that," Luke choked out. "We-we care about you," he pleaded, trying to look into the man's eyes. Ashton turned away, eyes focusing on the aide in the corner. Luke noticed. He'd gotten a small overview from the nurse (lying a little bit about the nature of his relationship with Ashton because he knew he wouldn't get information otherwise) and knew what the girl was there for. "So I know you have to be here to watch him," Luke said to the girl. "But when we're here, is it possible we could have some privacy? I just..."

The girl nodded.

"Let me double check with the nurse." She made a quick phone call and stood up. "I'll be outside the room, press the red button on the side of the bed when you guys are going to leave, or if you need anything. I'll come in to help, and I have to leave the door cracked,"

"Thank you," Luke sighed. He took a deep breath, standing up and letting go of Ashton's hand. He instead sat on the edge, trying to get Ashton to look into his eyes. "Love, I hate seeing you so hurt, Ash. Why wouldn't come you didn't tell me?"

Ashton didn't look up, because he could hear the tears in Luke's voice. He sounded so emotional, and he shouldn't. He shouldn't care about someone so stupid and worthless and dirty and used as Ashton.

"It doesn't matter,"

Luke spluttered.

"Of course it matters! Ash, look at where you are!" He exclaimed. How could Ashton say that? What had happened to the funny, happy man he'd met?

Calum saw Luke getting worked up. He'd stepped back to let the lovers have a moment, but Luke couldn't start getting upset. Ashton didn't seem well, they had to keep him relaxed and let him come to them when he was ready.

"Luke, don't ambush him." Calum said in a low voice, his hand resting on Luke's shoulder.

Calum went to the other side of the bed and sat on the edge.

"Ash, we both just want the best for you. You mean a lot to us both, and we care about you, whether you like it or not," he said softly. "And we want you to know we're here if you want to talk about anything,"

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