Chapter 17 - Happy!

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    "Good, they deserve each other. Maybe they'll actually speak a sentence to each other this time!"

    Luke snorted a laugh.

    "Yeah, as if."

    The man facing Ashton was staring daggers at him, arms folded across his chest. Ashton sighed, knowing he needed to go tend to him.

    "I'm going to see what they need, I'll be back in a bit," Luke nodded, making his way to the bar whilst Ashton went over to the man.

    "Is there anything I can get for you?" he asked politely, a kind smile on his face.

    "This was garbage," the guy said pointing at his plate, glaring behind his thick glasses. His mustache was so untamed, it went all over his face. It didn't even have a shape, it was just a blob of hair on his face, and some of his sandwich crumbs were caught in it.

    The sandwich he'd eaten all of.

    "I'm sorry you didn't like it. You did eat all of it, though, so maybe it wasn't so bad?" he asked hesitantly.

    The woman gasped.

    "How dare you, you stupid whore! Don't accuse him of anything, if he said it's garabage, then it's fucking garbage. It will be written off the check." She snapped.

    Ashton blinked twice, just to give himself a moment to make sure he heard what she'd said. Whore, check. Discount, check.

Okay, that was uncalled for.

    "I'm so sorry, ma'am, I can't give out a discount for something like that, especially since all the food was eaten. I can absolutely get you something else if this really wasn't satisfactory, though." He ignored the name calling for the sake of being professional.

    "No, dumb bitch, I will not be paying for this shit!" By now the whole place was looking in their direction, some being more discreet than others. A few other customers looked away embarrassed, but the staff was all crowding around just in case he needed back up. He could feel Lukes penetrating gaze locked on the man even though he hadn't been facing him.

    "Like I said, I can't give a discount for that. The only way I could get it removed from the check was if it was cold or incorrect when it arrived, or if you had an allergy you'd mentioned that we didn't comply with. Just because it didn't suit your tastes, though you finished it, I can't remove it." He saw the guy open his mouth again, and just to save himself from being screamed at more, he decided to try his last move. "But I can maybe work something out with you, how would you like a free ice cream, or brownie?"

    The man scoffed, finally looking at Ashton.

    "You stupid fag, we don't want anything from you." with that, he stood, taking the only full cup from the table and dumping it over Ashton's head. He didn't even gasp, just stood back to let him walk out. His wife went with him, along with the two kids whose faces had been stuffed into their phones, they didn't even know what was happening.

    Ashton let them go, even though they hadn't paid the check. It wasn't worth it to go after them, he'd just have to eat the cost of their meal.

    "Oi! You lot aren't allowed back here ever again, do you hear me?" A loud angry voice called from behind the bar. Louis was fuming, he jumped over an empty part of the counter to chase after them, Kevin following behind him as he'd appeared from the kitchen.

    "I don't know what yous think you're doin' treating people like that, but the kid is right. If you ever try 'nd come back, we'll call da cops on ya!" Kevin all but growled. The man rolled his eyes, shielding his wife under his arm as they stormed out of the restaurant. "Comin' in here and disrespectin' my staff. I don't think so,"

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