New School

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I wake up and look at my surroundings. Jungwon is next to me, hugging me while deep in his sleep. It's Saturday and it's been a month since we had that dinner with his parents. Summer will be over soon and I'm honestly scared. I don't know how my mother will react when I don't come back. What will she say? My mother has always been the type that fights for what she wants, no matter what. If she really wants to control me, she will.

"What are you thinking about?" I hear Jungwon's raspy moring voice say, making me jump a little. I thought he was still asleep.

"Just... nothing." I say and he shakes his head.

"I know you, what's wrong my love?" He says, tucking my hair behind my ear as we sit up in the bed.

"I'm just thinking about when summer ends. What's gonna happen to us? What if my mom comes here and tries to take me back?" I say, feeling my eyes sting a little.

"Hyuna, you are almost 20 years old, she no longer has control over you. You are an adult and if she is still trying to control you, she can fuck off." He says and I nod my head.

"I know it's just, I wish she cared more. I wish she wanted to be a better mom and actually tried. I wish she cared about me." I say, looking at my hands as I fiddle with them.

"I care about you, more than anything in this world, and I won't let anything happen to you." He says, rubbing my cheek with his thumb while looking into my eyes. I nod my head with a small smile. He leans in, planting a soft kiss on my lips, making me feel way better.

For the rest of the summer, I got a different, better paying job and Jungwon went back to work so we could both pay for the rent. I moved all my things into Jungwon's apartment and made it look more like ours instead of just his. We always hung out with Jaewon and his parents when we had time. We also went on dates almost every other weekend. It is finally time to go back to school and Jungwon helped me enroll myself in his school. In America, I was in medical school to become a nurse, so I am going to continue my studies to become a nurse.

"Are you ready? School is in a couple days." Jaewon says as we all sit in the living room of the apartment.

"No, I'm scared shitless." I say. When I was younger, I never rebelled against my mother, so I'm mostly scared of her reaction.

"Don't be too scared, you'll be fine." Jaewon says and Jungwon nods his head, holding my hand.

* The first day of school *

Me and Jungwon get ready for the first day of school together and make our way to school together. Jungwon shows me around the school and takes me to my first class.

"Good luck, you got this!" He says, showing me his deep dimples with his smile, giving me a quick kiss and walking away. I walk into my class and find a random seat that's close to a group of girls. They look my way and continue talking about random things.

"I hope I have a class with Jungwon." One of the girls says. I pretend I'm not listening.

"Who? Yang Jungwon? Girl you have nooo chance with that guy! As fine as he is, he's rejected every girl that has asked him out or confessed." A different girl says making me smile. Good job Jungwon.

"I wonder why." The third girl says.

"Because he just needs to find the right girl, it might just be me." The first girl says, making me chuckle. The girls look at me but just ignore my chuckles.

My day goes on with only three classes. Me and Jungwon meet up at the cafeteria and we hear everyone whispering and talking.

"How were your classes?" Jungwon asks, taking a bite of his food.

"Well, first period, a group of three girls were talking about you." I say and he nods.

"One girl said she wishes she has a class with you. The other girl said she had no chance with you because you rejected every girl that asked you out. She said you were just waiting for the right girl and it might be her. Let me tell you, that made me laugh for sure." I say and he chuckle with me. Suddenly, a group of six guys come up to our table, sitting down and saying hi to Jungwon.

"Oh, Hyuna, these are my friends. They were my friend group in high school. You never got to meet them so I figured you could meet them now." Jungwon says and I smile with a nod.

"Ohhh! You are the famous Hyuna! We've heard about you since high school." A tall boy says, his features are a little different than a Korean's.

"I'm Niki!" The guy says, holding his hand out for me to shake it and I do.

"I'm Jake." A different boy says, his smile warm and welcoming.

"I'm Sunoo, nice to meet you." A cute boy with the sweetest smile says.

"Hi, I'm jay." A different guy says. He looks like he could be a dad.

"Hi, I'm Heesung, Jungwon never stops talking about yo-" His words were cut off by Jungwon hitting his shoulder. "Ow!" He says and we all laugh.

"I'm Sunghoon. I don't go here though, I'm a figure skater." Sunghoon says and my eyes go wide.

"Jungwon! When were you gonna tell me you were friends with 'The Park Sunghoon'?! Jinyung used to love him!" I say with a bright smile.

"Well, I thought you'd like him more than me." He says and I his his arm.

"I already do." I say and shake Sunghoon's hand.

"My ex boyfriend used to love you, he was like your biggest fan." I say and he smiles.

"Used to?" He asks.

"I told you what happened hyung." Jungwon says and it clicks in Sunghoon's mind.

"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss. Well, thank you for being a fan." He says and I nod.

"It was nice meeting all of you guys." I say, looking at all the guys. We all go our separate ways and me and Jungwon go home after we eat our lunch.

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