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Hyuna's P.O.V

It's been about two weeks since I met Jungwon. Like I expected, he's been there for me. He's pretty much the only person I talked to and still is. He has helped me in ways that no one has, no one except Jinyung, that is. Because of him, whenever I have memories of Jinyung, I don't cry, well not as much as I used to.

I feel happy, happy that I still have the good memories. Happy that he made me happy and I made him happy. Jungwon taught me how to be happy that I even got to meet Jinyung. I obviously have a long way to go, but for once since this nightmare has happened, I feel like I can get through it, or live with it.

But I can't shake this weird feeling that Jungwon still has his own problems and still hasn't learned to live with them. He tells me he's fine, but I can tell that he isn't. He still won't tell me what happened in his past. I know you can't rush it, trust me I would know. I still want him to open up to me.

I shake off what I was thinking about and continue to focus on class. The class finally ends, the bell telling me to go to lunch now. I make my way to the lunch room, looking around to find Jungwon. I see him already heading towards the line to get food. I rush over to him, eager to see him today.

"Hey Jungwon!" I say with a bright smile. These days, my smile is getting brighter, just like when Jinyung was here.

"Hyuna!" Jungwon says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Ughh this makes me feel short." I say, rolling my eyes. I hear Jungwon chuckle as we wait to get out food. Finally, our turn comes and we get out food, heading to our normal spot to eat lunch, the rooftop. We get to the rooftop, sitting down and putting our plates on the floor.

"So, what's up? How were your classes?" Jungwon asks, not hesitating to take a big bite out of his food. I still haven't found a strong enough appetite but Jungwon has found his ways to make me eat.

"Like always, boring as hell." I say and he nods, looking at my plate and noticing how I haven't started eating.

"Don't feel like eating?" He asks, earning a nod from me. "I know but you have to. Even if it's a little bit, you need to eat to have energy. Didn't you learn anything from 9th grade biology?" Jungwon says, making me chuckle.

"I really don't feel like eating." I say and he lets out a sigh.

"Then, if you don't eat for you, can you eat for-" I cut Jungwon off, already knowing what he was going to say.

"I know, eat for Jinyu-" Jungwon cuts me off.

"No, eat for me, please." Jungwon says, making my eyes slightly widen. For some reason, I felt my heart drop to my stomach, or at least that's what I think I felt.

"W-why?" I ask, stuttering like an idiot. Why am I even stuttering?

"Because, just because." Jungwon says, taking more bites of his food. I take the spoon, putting food in it. I was about to put the spoon to my mouth when Jungwon grabs the spoon and feeds me.

"Not this again." I say, laughing at how Jungwon loves to feed me food.

"I like feeding you." Jungwon says as I take the food in my mouth and chew.

"Fine then I'll feed you." I say, taking his spoon and feeding him. He lets me feed him the food as we both take turns giving each other a spoon full of food. Once we are both satisfied, I take his drink, opening it and going over to sit next to him.

"What are you doing with my soda?" He asks as I smile.

I reach my hand over to his jaw as I slightly tilt his head back, putting the bottle up to his mouth so he can drink the soda. He takes a couple sips, his adams apple going up and down. I never really noticed how prominent and sharp his jawline is. If I met him at a different time, I probably would have noticed his looks way earlier on. I am now starting to realize just how good looking he is. Once he's done, I put the same bottle up to my mouth, taking a couple sips.

"Hey! You have your own!" Jungwon says and I giggle.

"What, I like this soda." I say and he shakes his head, reaching over and grabbing my soda. He takes the cap off, doing the same thing I did to him, to me. I feel his hand rest on my cheek, his pinky and ring finger stretching to my jaw. He slightly tilted my head back, putting the bottle up to my lips.

Something about his touch makes me nervous. I quickly take a sip, grabbing the bottle and holding his hand, placing it on my lap as I hold it. I don't know why I just felt so nervous, like I've never been touched by a guy before. It wasn't even bad, he just touched my cheek. To take my mind off of what just happened, I take my spoon and fill it with food, taking a bite of the food.

"Hey, I was supposed to feed you." Jungwon says and I shrug.

"Whatever." I say, taking my last bite. Jungwon also finishes his food, taking more sips of his soda. I suddenly feel fingers wiggle in my hand, remembering our hands were holding each other.

"Oh sorry, I forgot I was holding your hand." I say, disconnecting our hands, only for them to be connected again. My eyes go slightly wide.

"Nah, it's ok, I like holding your hand." He says, intertwining our fingers.

Something about the way he's acting today, I don't know if I like it, or if I'm confused by it. The bell suddenly rings, causing Jungwon to get up and grab his stuff and mine, all while keeping our hands together. We then walk to class, hands in one another's.

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