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"Well, we should finish our homework." Jungwon says with pink cheeks, grabbing his pencil and writing random stuff down. We finally finish our homework, going to my bed and laying down.

"Wanna cuddle?" Jungwon asks. That's a thing we do now, we're used to it.

"Mhm!" I answer with a hum, scooching into his arms. He wraps his arms around me, one arm around my waist, the other stroking my hair.

"Hey, Jungwon?" I say.

"Yes?" He asks, sweetly.

"Remember how you said you've been through stuff in the past?" I ask him, earning a slight chuckle from him.

"You still remember, huh?" He asks and I nod as I hug him.

"Well, you've helped me, like a lot. I've grown so much in just three weeks, all because of you. But I know you're still hurting. I heard a saying once. It was 'The saddest people smile the brightest'. You remind me of that. You've been able to stay strong for me to help me, now it's my turn to stay strong for you. Do you want to tell me what happened?" I say, hoping he will finally open up.

"Yes, actually. I just haven't really opened up to anyone about this, but, here it goes. It was the 10th grade, so last year. There was this girl, Minji. I had a crush on her since the 9th grade. We became close last year. She really did have such a bright smile, I thought she was that happiest person alive. She hid all her problems so well. One day, she snapped. She spilled all her emotions out. I tried to help her but it was too late. I wasn't there for her when I needed to be. She stormed off and went straight to the building down the street from my house. I rushed after her, to the roof of the building. She stood close to the edge. I yelled for her to come with me, that it would be alright, but she didn't listen. With tears in her eyes, the last thing she said to me was 'I'm sorry Jungwon, I love you'. My biggest regret is not running to her before she was able to jump and hold her and tell her I loved her. But now, since I met you, I've been able to let that go, somewhat." Jungwon says, I feel my warm tears flow out of my eyes.

"Are you crying?" Jungwon asks.

"I'm sorry Jungwon. I'm sorry. Thank you for saving me that day. Because of you, I don't want to die anymore." I say, Jungwon holding my face, wiping the tears off it. He suddenly kisses my forehead, then my nose, then lastly, leaving a soft kiss on my lips.

"I promise, you can always lean on me, I'm here." He says with a warm smile, melting my heart.

I know what that weird feeling was, I knew it felt too familiar. I've felt it before. I think I'm falling for you Jungwon. I really hope it's not that, I can't afford to lose someone I love all over again. We go back to hugging, my face dug into his chest as he holds me. We eventually fall asleep, falling asleep with a smile on both our faces.

* The morning *

My eyes flutter open due to the sunlight hitting my face. I sit up, noticing Jungwon isn't here. Did he leave yesterday? I get out from under the covers, putting on my slippers and walking out the room. As I open the door, I am met with a smiling Jungwon.

"I thought you left." I say, walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"No, I just brushed my teeth." Jungwon says, following me.

"Did you use the one with your name on it?" I ask. He nods his head. Before I could grab my toothbrush, Jungwon grabs my hand, pulling me into a hug. At first, I am frozen, but I hug him back. After I finish brushing, we both go downstairs to eat breakfast.

"You didn't change." Jungwon points out.

"Oh, right. Give me a minute." I say with a smile, rushing upstairs to change into clean clothes. Once I'm done, I go back downstairs, going up to Jungwon.

"Oh, you look cute." Jungwon says, continuing to spread the butter on the toast. I feel my cheeks heat up due to the compliment.

"Thanks for making my breakfast, you didn't have to." I say, as we sit down to eat.

"Nah, it's ok, I don't mind." He says, eating his food. We eventually finish our food.

"So are we still doing something today?" Jungwon asks.

"I don't know, where would we go?" I ask him.

"We could still go to the carnival." Jungwon says. I nod my head with a smile.

"Do you want to leave now?" Jungwon asks.

"No, I have to do something." I say, rushing back up to my room. I hurry and take out a bag filled with things I haven't used in a long time, makeup. I stopped trying to look good, I didn't care how I looked. But now, I do care.

I try my best to hurry but make it look good, remembering all those times I would do my makeup to go on dates with Jinyung. I top off everything with a little bit of lip gloss. Once I'm done, I hurry back down, seeing Junwon waiting at the door. I look at Jungwon with a smile as he stares at my face, eyes trailing down to my lips.

"Did you do your makeup?" Jungwon asks. How did he notice so quickly?

"Um.. does it look bad?" I ask, thinking the worst of the situation.

"No, you look pretty, but you look equally as pretty without it." Jungwon says, turning around and walking out the house, as if nothing happened.

"Should I wear makeup every day from now on? I kind of like it." I say.

"Nah you don't need that." Jungwon says, waving his hand.

"Why not?" I ask, curious of what his answer will be.

" just don't. You're already beautiful." He says, walking down the steps of my house. He just called me beautiful! AHhhH.

Save Me || Jungwon ff ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ