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Hyuna's P.O.V

We eventually get off the ferris wheel, feeling a lot better after having such and open hearted talk. We walk towards the exit, holding hands.

"I wish you could just stay with me everyday." I ask Jungwon, wishing he can always keep me company.

"I know but, I can't always stay at your house, even though I wish I could. You shouldn't be living alone. Everyone has intrusive thoughts and they can get to you. Whether it's anxiety, or depression, or paranoia, it will always find a way to bother your peace. At least that's how I feel." Jungwon says as we leave the carnival.

"Yeah, but my mom won't be back from the trip for another month." I say, looking at the ground.

"Well, good thing I'm here. I can't stay at your house on weekdays but I can on weekends." He says, smiling at me.

"Jungwon, can I ask you something?" I ask him.

"Sure." He says.

"Do you think it's wrong for me to like someone new after Jinyung?" I ask him.

"No, he would have wanted you to move on. I'm pretty sure sooner or later you will find someone who you love equally as much as you loved him." He says.

"Yeah but this soon. I feel like I shouldn't have feelings for someone this soon. Almost like I'm guilty." I say.

"Hey, look at me, you should never feel guilty for what you feel. I know it's still fresh in your mind but it's great that you can feel something for someone else." He says, making me smile.

"So who is it? Who's the lucky person?" He asks me with a smile.

"Honestly, I'm not even sure of my feelings." I say. "But I think I like you." I smile at him.

"Well I like you too Hyuna." Jungwon says, intertwining our fingers. I look up at him and see his smile. He makes me so happy. I don't even know If I deserve him.

"I don't deserve you." Jungwon says, looking forward, lost in thought.

"Oh trust me, it's the other way around." I say, seeing the bus stop in front of us.

"Truce?" He says, making both of us laugh. We wait for the bus and go back to my house. We eventually got back to my house, standing in front of the door.

"Did you have fun today?" Jungwon asks.

"Yes, thanks to you. Thank you for making me happy again Jungwon. You truly are an angel." I say with a smile. Jungwon is the best thing I could have asked for and I want him to know.

"Well you make my life better Hyuna, thank you for that." He says. I go on my tippy toes, giving him a quick peck.

"Good night Jungwon." I say, my cheeks tinted red.

"Good night Hyuna. Dream of me!" He says, waving at me. I shower and go straight to bed, hoping to dream of Jungwon.

* The morning *

I wake up to someone shaking me, making my eyes shoot open in shock.

"What the fuck?!" I say, finally being able to see who woke me up and regretting what I said.

"That's not how you speak to your mother!" My mom says with frowned eyebrows.

"Mom? W-what are you doing here?!" I say, getting up from my bed.

"Oh my, you're so skinny! Let me make you breakfast. And go brush that stinky mouth of yours!" My mom says, walking out of the room. I instantly call Jungwon, not even knowing why that was my first instinct.

"So she just appeared out of nowhere?" Jungwon asks.

"Dude, she didn't even tell me why she's here. I don't want her here! She left me in the worst time of my life. For all she knows, she could have come back home to find my month old rotting body!" I say, feeling more frustrated.

"Hyuna, don't say that. What matters now is that she's here. Do I agree with what she did, no. But she's here. And you don't know, she could apologize. Just don't have a negative attitude, she is still your mother." He says, making me smile at his way with words.

"This is why I love you, thank you Jungwon." I say, nervous at what his reaction will be to what I said.

"I love you too Hyuna, see you later." He says and I hang up. I brush my teeth and go to the kitchen. I sit down and eat the food. It's been a while and the thing I miss the most is the cooking.

"So, care to explain why you left your daughter in the worst time of her life? And why you suddenly reappear?" I say.

"I'm sorry honey. I was sad for you, but I also needed a break from it all. I thought the best thing to do was give you some space, some time alone to deal with your pain." My mother says. My mother has never been the affectionate type so I understand where she's coming from.

"Ok, that really was a bad choice. I almost killed myself." I say, hoping to make her feel guilty.

"Oh don't exaggerate like that. I get that you lost your boyfriend but you'll fall in love again and forget all about Jinyoon." My mom says. There she is, that's my mother.

"Jinyung, mother. I dated him for two whole years and you still can't remember his name." I say, starting to get mad again.

"What's there to remember, he's gone now honey. I'm sorry but you'll move on." My mother says. What the hell is wrong with this woman. I immediately stand up and walk out. I run, and run and run till my legs are on fire. Till I'm in front of Jungwon's house. I knock on the door, desperately wanting to see him right now. The door is opened, revealing an older woman, one who would be my mothers age.

"Oh, hello! How can I help you dear." The lady says, giving me a sweet smile.

"I need to speak to Jungwon please." I say smiling back at her.

"Oh, are you Hyuna by any chance?" The lady asks. She is most likely Jungwons mom.

"Yes, I am." I say.

"Jungwon has said so much about you! Come in, I'll call him down." She says with a smile, opening the door wider to let me in. "You can call me Mrs. Yang or mom, whichever you feel most comfortable calling me. Jungwon's sister is here too, in case you want to make another friend." She says.

"Thank you Mrs. Yang." I say, walking to the living room.

"Hi, I'm Jaewon, Jungwon's older sister." A girl who looks only a few years older says.

"Hi eonni, I'm Hyuna." I say, waving my hand.

"Jungwon, come down, Hyuna is here to talk to you!" Mrs. Yang yells at the bottom of the stairs. I suddenly hear big thuds coming downstairs.

"Hyuna? What are you doing here? Did you run here?!" He says, sitting next to me.

"How could you tell?" I say sarcastically, still breathing heavily. He shakes his head, chuckling at me. "Jungwon, I really need you right now." I say, tears starting to form and quickly threatening to leave my eyes. He nods and stands up, holding my hand.

"Mom, give us a minute, we'll be back." Jungwon says. We go up to his room and I tell him everything. I rant to him, crying and yelling, feeling all my emotions. Jungwon hugs me, holds me tight, and tells me it's going to be ok, he makes life better.

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