20♡friendly advise

Começar do início

I intended for it to be a sort and sweet peck since I have to get changed and make food but apparently Ezra has other plans.

When I try and pull back he grabs my neck pulling me closer. I feel his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I happily accept.

I have no idea if I'm doing any of this right but from the fact that Ezra hasn't pulled away yet I'd say I'm doing pretty good.

Look at you go Natasha making out with your lifelong crush.

I sound stupid saying it like that my god-

After a while we both pull away for air. Both our chests are rising and the only sound in the room is our heavy breathing.

I finally open my eyes to see Ezra already looking at me. His dark brown eyes staring into my green ones.

They say the eyes are the window into your soul and I can't help but agree. Through Ezra's eyes I see his gentle and calm soul that I've grown to love over the years I've known him.

"That was hot." Ezra smirks at me and I know for a fact that I've turned bright red.

"Shut up."

"Who knew Natasha Smith wasn't as innocent as she seems." I roll my eyes at his nonsense because us making out doesn't show that I'm not 'innocent'.

"Who said I was innocent?" Now it's my turn to smirk when his eyes widen in surprise.

I let out a small laugh before getting of his lap so I can actually get ready for the day. Since I don't have any plans today I decide to just wear jeans and a hoodie to be comfortable.

I look over at Ezra who seems to be zoned out still from my comment earlier. I grab a t-Shirt from his closet and throw it at his face.

"Come on pretty boy we've got a friend to prep for a date." He yanks the short of his face and shoots me a glare.

He suddenly gets up and out of bed putting on his shirt before staring at me with a smirk forming on his face.

Uh oh.

I bolt out of his room laughing as I run I go. I sprint into the living room jumping over the couch and standing on one side of the coffee table.

Theo and JJ are sitting on the couch I just jumped over looking at me with wide eyes but when Ezra comes into the room they realise what's happening.

"You can't get out of this romanoff." He stands in front of me on the opposite side of the coffee table.

"I can damn well try." We start circling the table like animals but little does Ezra know, I have a plan.

Once I get to the couch where JJ and Theo are currently sat im going to jump over it again, run out the front door and into my apartment.

Great plan Nat.

I think JJ and Theo both understand my plan because there's a space between them on the couch where I can jump over.

These boys are always on my side and I love it.

After a few seconds of walking around the coffee table I'm finally in  position to make my run for it. I send Ezra a quick wink before turning and jumping over the couch.

"Natasha get your ass back here!" I hear him yell behind me as I yank open the front door.

"GO NAT GO!" I faintly hear JJ and Theo chant, thankfully I have a few seconds on Ezra so I'm able to unlock my apartment door with no struggle.

As soon as it's unlocked Ezra comes bolting out of his place beelining straight for me. I let out a loud squeal before slamming the door in his face.

I can't help but laugh when I sink to the floor leaning my back against the door breathless. I hear him laughing on the other side of the door before he bangs on it.

It's always been youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora