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chapter 3

talking cats and walking zombies


DANI TRIED to reach for max but mary pulled her back.

winifred flipped the boy around, "hello!" she grinned, "goodbye!" another magic jolt and max was levitating off the ground.

"shit shit holy shit stupid fucking idiot stupid shit shit" allison grabbed two of the witches brooms, tossing one at drew. she caught it and stood up. "hey bloodhound!" yelled drew, hitting mary with the broom. 

now that dani was free, she ran towards winifred. "let go of my brother!" she yelled, wacking the witch with her candy bag. max fell to the grow, drew swatting at sarah to get her away, as dani ran towards max, trying to get him up. drew helped her, getting him to his feet as the four went towards the door, but max stopped. dani and allison kept running, but drew stayed with max.

"hey max, what the actual fuck are you doing?"

"buying us more time" he climbed up the loft and yelled, "hey! up here! you messed with the great and powerful max and must now suffer the consequences! i summon the burning rain of death!" he shouted, holding his lighter up and setting off the sprinklers. he soaked himself and drew as the witches ran for cover. 

"jesus christ max." mumbled drew, helping him down as he slipped, taking drew down with him.

"nice going max" said the black cat, jumping down next to them, making their eyes widen.

"you can talk?"

"no kidding. now get the spell book." the two just lay there stunned. "move it!"

they ran for the book, broke the glass, and grabbed it, running out the house. the group starting following the cat as they stopped in front of a graveyard.

"woah hold on now this is a graveyard"

"its hallowed ground." said drew, max looking at her dumbfounded.

"it means witches can't step foot here." translated the cat. dani and allison looked at him confused.

"he talks." shrugged max.

as the group started following the cat again, drew stopped max "ok ok before we go any farther, are you ok?" she said, turning his face up and down to make sure he didn't have to many cuts.

"yes. im fine."

"no you aren't" she said, licking her finger and wiping off the dirt on his face, "you're an idiot and you have cuts all over yourself". she touched a cut on his lip, and he winced. 


"that's what you get for being a virgin and lighting the candle." she smiled a bit, looking at his goofy expression. she kept checking his face and neck, making sure he didn't have any major wounds. 

before she could continue talking, max cupped her face in his hands and looked into her eyes."are you ok?" he asked.

"yeah yeah, im fine." she continued examining his face

its just a bunch of hocus pocus -max dennisonWhere stories live. Discover now