He just nodded, so I started "I- I don't really know what to do with my job, you know? It's horrible, it's no fun and I can't motivate myself anymore. Right now, for example, I just want to stay here with you, I don't want to go to the office, but I know that I'll have to. I need to finish my work. But then... I don't know what to do when I'm done with my current essay. What do I do then? Continue this job? Quit it? Of course I would like to quit, but, what am I doing then? I would need a new job, of course. I need to pay my bills. But what am I supposed to do? What is the right job for me? Where do I start and, and-"

"Okay okay, calm down alright?" he said. I looked at him. I nodded slightly and breathed slowly. "I know that your job is hard. But you'll be able to finish at least this one. On time. But I'm telling you now that you probably should quit. I know that you need to pay bills but... just search for another job? y/n, you should do something that is fun. Not something you hate. Probably you could also start streaming, just like me. It's also hard at times, but it's definitely more fun. I noticed that my community loves you, you also don't have to talk to people, just the chat, but you seemed to enjoy that. Think about it and in the meantime, go to the office and work on your essay. After that one you can quit and think about something else, alright? You'll be fine, I'll help you" I smiled. He also thought I could stream. I wanted to say something, but I didn't. I just nodded. I looked down again but a second later Wilbur already pulled me into a hug again. Okay, that's it, I made my decision. I would quit my job.


At 2pm I finally arrived at the office. Before I went there, I also had gone home to take a shower and to change my clothes. After my conversation with Will I had a bit more motivation, since I knew now what I would after this job. I turned my computer on and already started writing. I was still not in the mood to continue, but the fact that I wouldn't have to endure that even longer gave me at least a bit more motivation. I knew that I would quit my job. And I would probably start streaming. Wilbur would help me, at least was it what he told me. I did not know if I just wanted to believe him, or if I actually did, but I hoped it. I stopped writing for a second. I was having doubts again. Was it the right decision? Hopefully, I mean, it probably was better to do something else. Especially because all this shit work kind of was the reason for my problem with my mental health. 

It was good to end that, yes, but was it right to start streaming, probably? Was that really a good idea? Probably I should do something else. I sighed. I should think about that another time. Now I had to work. I had to remember that the more I would write at one day, the sooner the end of this would come. That was a good motivation, wasn't it?


After a few hours I decided that it probably would be enough for one day. If it would go on like this I actually could be ready at the end of this week. I saved my work correctly and turned my pc off. I just got all of my things and already left the office. I also started to think about Sky again. I wanted to visit them again. I just didn't know how to get there. I didn't want Wilbur to drive me there. He should stay at home, or don't, however he wanted it. But I didn't want him to come to the hospital with me, where my injured friend was. He should get over his own friend first. I sighed as I started to walk home. I could ask him tomorrow. Probably. I was also a bit concerned since Sky's parents haven't responded to my message yet, nor read it.

I didn't know if they actually didn't saw it or if they were ignoring me. They didn't liked me either. Understandable. I wouldn't like me either. I was one of the reasons Sky even moved to UK in the first place. Their parents told me very often that I was the reason that their 'daughter' had left them. When they would read the message I wrote them I knew they would blame for that as well, and it was scaring me. I didn't know what things they would say to me, but I knew that it would be bad ones. I should be prepared for them. I just tried to put these thoughts aside and just walked home. When I arrived at home just a few minutes later I threw my bag somewhere into my room and headed into the kitchen. I was tired but I still needed to eat. Remember what Wilbur told you. You have to eat even if you're not hungry at all.

I opened the fridge to see: nothing. There was nearly nothing in the fridge anymore, or at least not enough to cook a meal with. But I was way too tired to go and get groceries now, so I would just let dinner out for today. Just this one time, it was okay, right? I closed the fridge again and headed into the living room. I let me fall onto the sofa and turned the tv on. I decided to just watch a movie or something before I would go to bed. I wanted to be fit tomorrow so I could work. And I was tired at the moment. I could've fallen asleep like that. But I also knew that if I would go to bed now, I wouldn't fall asleep. I never do. It doesn't matter how tired I am, I just can't fall asleep.

I this was going on for weeks now, making me even more tired. I was tired, but couldn't sleep, so I was just getting more tired. The only place I could fall asleep at was... Wilbur's place. When I was at Wilbur's I was falling asleep within a minute. I didn't know why it was happening like that, but one thing was for sure, the nights that I was spending at Wilbur's space were restful. Which was why I was spending gratefully time with him. I sighed as I drew my attention back on the tv. I should rest now a bit, and leave my thoughts in the back of my mind for a while.


A bit later, at like 11pm, I turned the tv off again and headed to the bathroom. I was now really tired so I was hoping to fall asleep quick today. I started to brush my teeth and my face, before I walked over to my bedroom, changing there into my pajamas. I finally lay down into my bed. I just spend some time on my phone before I fell asleep watching some YouTube videos.


(2131 words)

THANK YOU FOR READING :D And remember, it's fine if you leave out one meal, I'm proud of you if you at least eat something:) Have a good morning/day/night<3

- Luma

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