Chapter 11: Pain

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"No where. Go back to the club" Yuri said keeping her eyes in front of her. "Yuri you know you can't do anything to him right?" Natsuki said walking in front of her to stop her from going any further. "Give me a good reason why not" she said glaring down at Natsuki. "Um, because I said so?" she shrugged her shoulders and laughed nervously. 

"Not a good enough answer. Move" she said taking another step around her. Natsuki stepped in front again. "Fine! Because you're a good friend, and if he calls the cops you will go to jail!" Natsuki said spreading her arms out to block her farther. "Yuri, you are a great friend and I don't want to lose you because you want to be stupid and hurt someone!" Natsuki yelled as if Yuri was farther away. 

".... Yuri isn't here right now" she said with a blank face as she pushed past Natsuki. "Than who are you?!" Natsuki asked and Yuri stopped walking. "Not your Yuri" she said matter-of-factly. "That's definitely not confusing" Natsuki said crossing her arms. "Than just call me Lily I guess. It means the same thing" She said before smiling.

"Though GirlBoss Yuri has a nice ring to it" Lily laughed.

"Yeah, I'm not calling you that" Natsuki deadpaned. "You don't understand the joke" she sighed. "Nor do I expect you to, but the person it was directed towards understands" she laughed again. "So do you think the same as Yuri, or different?" Natsuki asked. "We do have mostly the same opinion, but there is one thing we don't see eye to eye about" Lily turned to look at Natsuki. "And that is?" Natsuki was curious. "It is not quite your business is what we disagree on" she huffed.

 "Now go back to class I don't want to baby sit you" Lily said walking away again. "I don't need baby sited!" Natsuki yelled. "Sure" she said as she turned the corner. Natsuki secretly followed her until she couldn't figure out were she went. After a few minutes of wandering around trying to figure out were she went, she heard multiple screams. She followed the sound all the way to the hallway where the screaming was located, and hid behind the corner wall.

The brunette was on the floor sobbing as Lily walked around him. His face was already bleeding from being slammed into the wall, that was now bloody. His leg was bent the wrong way and a few of his fingers were broken. "Oh, so you caught up to Yuri" Monika whispered next to her watching Lily, and Natsuki jumped. "Yeah and be quiet, she doesn't know I'm here" she hissed.

"hey, I saw what you did to the pink kid. Gotta say, you hit her good" Lily said as she walked closer to his face. "Here, let me repay you" she said as she brought her foot down at the same place on his face where Natsuki was bruising. He yelled out in pain again, and Lily lowered herself. "Aww, did that hurt? Let me help you" she said in a sweet voice before plunging a knife into his stomach. She started laughing as she took the knife out and forced it through his chest.

At this point Natsuki was about to puke, but couldn't stop watching as she did it again and again a few more times. Eventually the screams became a quiet gurgle, as he was drowning in his blood, and Lily stood up. Her body began shaking immensely as she tried to walk, and cursed under her breath. "God dammit Yuri" she sighed as she put the knife away. 

She pulled out a switch blade before taking her blazer and vest off. She rolled up her white button up shirt to reveal multiple cuts up her arm, and around them was swollen and red. She took the knife and cut randomly, and most of the cuts intersected each other. After a few minutes it was almost as if she was a fountain, the blood a continuous flow into the lake of blood below her.

Monika walked past Natsuki into the hallway. "Yuri I think that's enough!" She said firmly. Only for Lily to turn around with the biggest smile on her face. Her eyes wide, but her pupils constricted greatly to the point that Natsuki could barely see them from this distance. "Fuck, Natsuki run!" Monika said with fear in her voice. After seeing what she did to MC'S friend, she didn't protest.

Monika had ran in front of her and opened the door to a classroom. Natsuki glanced at her face to see pure terror, and she had never seen Monika so scared. Before Natsuki could turn around Monika shoved her in the metal closet in the room. "Listen, I know it looked bad, but if she really wanted us dead we both would have died last week" Monika said in a hushed voice. "What?" Natsuki whisper yelled.

"We just have to wait until she calms down" Monika dodged the question. "She isn't going back to the club with her clothes bloody, so she must be going home" she sighed. After a few minutes to steady their breathing, they walked out of the classroom. 

When Natsuki walked back into the club, she noticed that Elyssa was still in the corner of the room. "Where were you?" Sayori asked. "We just went to see Yuri, she said she was going home" Monika said as she sat down at the teachers desk. Elyssa moved from her spot after hearing this, and sat down to read her book.

Natsuki finally made it home and immediately went to her bed to think about what happened in the short span of a hour.

Totally unrelated, but you should check out average Yuri fan's channel. It has some good natsuri. And I just really like this video.

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