I was the one

628 37 4

"What happened, Namjoon?"

"Someone attacked our house when we left and they took Kija away" Yoongi was shocked but Hoseok was neutral.

"I knew about the attack long ago" Namjoon and Yoongi looked at Hoseok with shocked faces.

"You knew?! Then why didn't you tell us about this?!" Namjoon asked.

"Because if I told you guys about it then Kija would be altered that we know and would have done something else"

"Why do you think that?! And who would have helped him in this?!" Namjoon asked.

"Jung Dusik"

"Why would Dusik help him?!"

"Because he is a member of his gang and an important member, it is obvious that he would come to rescue him"

"How did you know this?!"

"I researched," Hoseok said. Namjoon nodded "I asked someone to install a tracker on him. Just hope that Dusik and Minato don't find out and we will know wherever he is and what he is talking about" Hoseok said as he patted Yoongi's head who was silent, too silent "Now, tell this to the others and find out what he is doing" Namjoon nodded and left.

Hoseok turned to Yoongi. He went and stood in between Yoongi and the table, cupped his cheeks and made Yoongi look at him.

"Kitty, what happened?" Hoseok asked in a soft voice.

"I don't know" Yoongi touched his throat, and his eyes looked around.

"What are you searching for?" Hoseok asked in the same soft voice.

"Water" Yoongi huffed out. Hoseok gave him a bottle and helped him drink the water.

After drinking the water, Hoseok took the bottle and kept it on the table which he was leaning on and he once again cupped his cheeks.

"Feeling better?" Yoongi nodded "Kitty, tell me something. Why are you so quiet? Did something happen?"

"I fucked up" Yoongi mumbled. Hoseok frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Kija, Dusik and Minato, they know!! That fucking hoe of my brother told those two assholes!!" Yoongi looked at Hoseok with angry eyes "Because of him!! It was Kija who did it!! It was Kija who tortured me!! Who tormented me!!" tears started spilling from his eyes. Hoseok said nothing but hugged him "Suga, doesn't know much. He just knows that he was kidnapped and tortured but who did it and what they did, he doesn't know. I was the personality who knows everything" Hoseok patted his head.

"So, what do you want to do? Do you want to torture them? Hurt them? Just the way they did to you? You want to take revenge?"

"Yes" Yoongi had another kind of determination in his eyes. Hoseok liked it, he internally smirked.

"Then let's get you trained?"

"Not right now" Yoongi stood up and kissed Hoseok.

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