Chapter 32: Game Night!

Start from the beginning

Ekko:arrgghhh can we move one i dont wanna hear the next thing in the story.

Eve:I do

Everyone except Eve shouted no as we didn't want more information about what happened in that room.We moved on to the next one which was Kai'sa , she spinned the bottle and it stopped at Ahri which made her excited.

Kai'sa: Truth or dare?


Kai'sa: I dare you to charm someone in the group~

Eve:Oh are we doing that today?~

(Y/n):Wait wait doing what?

Ekko:i have a bad feeling about this.

Sera:what going to happen?

Senna:Oh this would look fun.

Senna already readying her phone to record whats about to happen, Ahri and Eve were giving out mischevious smirks i was up to my seat scared and confused whats happening! But what did she mean charm? Like just flash their beauty or something?

Akali:Seriously? You guys are doing it today?

(Y/n):what's going to happen?!

Suddenly ahri stood up and went to the middle she looked around finding who her target would be she looked at me then smiled, she then slowly walked towards me and stopping right in front of me.

(Y/n):wait wait! stop...dont Ahri !

Ahri:sorry (y/n)~

Her eyes glew pink and her tails appeared with as blew of a kiss releasing a cloud of pink mist in a shape of a heart going to me, and as it hit my face my body started to wobble it felt like i drank alcohol but at the same time my body was yearning for someone....and it was ahri..

No (y/n) control yourself!

My body was swaying left and right i tried snapping myself back by shacking  and tapping my face lightly.

Eve:Oh we have a figther, sorry Ahri your charm isnt that strong enough~

Ahri scoffed and looked at Eve quietly annoyed

Ahri: thats because i didnt want to over do it!

(Y/n):So you were holding back?!

Ahri:Well .......yeah!

Scared that the fact she hold back and knowing even charms have some kind of power level! still lost whats happening..

Qiyana:I get the gist of it, but lost why you guys do it. we have this tradition when playing spin the bottle with friends were  if the bottle ends with eve or ahri they would charm that 1 person till he/she collapse, resist or give in to the charm it works like alcohol it makes the person to wasted if they try to resist until they give in to there "urges".

Senna:And how many were able to resist so far?

Eve:no one so far we know, they all gave in to the 2nd charm.

Lucian: and collapesed?

Ahri:a few..

Ahri looked away while sipping her drink while lucian cocked a brow suspicious of her.

Qiyana:You girls really know how to make a people go wasted in a party.

While the rest were talking about how they do this certain "tradiiton" Yasuo leaned to my left whispering to me.

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