Jar Jar:
Where wesa goin?

Don't worry, the Force will guide us...

Jar Jar:
Ooooh, maxibig..."da Force"...Well, dat smells stinkowiff.

An alarm sounds on the control panel.

... we're losing power.

Jar Jar:
Oh, no...

The sub shuts down, and began floating in the tunnel.

Jar Jar:
Oh, wesa diein here.

Just relax. We're not in trouble yet.

Jar Jar:
What yet? Monstairs out dare! Leak'n in here, all'n sink'n, and nooooo power! You nutsen! WHEN YOUSA TINKEN WESA IN TROUBLE?!!!?

The wires start to spark.

Power's back.

The lights flicker on, revealing an ugly Colo Claw Fish is seen right in front of them.

The large Claw Fish is surprised and rears back. The sub turns around and speeds away.

Jar Jar continues to panic and babble incoherently.


Qui-Gon puts his hand on Jar Jar's shoulder. Jar Jar relaxes into a coma.

You overdid it.

He said with a slight chuckle.

The Claw Fish leaps after the fleeing sub. The sub narrowly avoids the deadly teeth of the Aqua Monster. The Claw Fish chasing them isn't so lucky. It is munched in half by the larger predator.

Jar Jar regains consciousness.

Head for that outcropping.

He tells Obi-Wan who did as he was told.

Jar Jar:
Oie Boie!

The little sub speeds away.

The long columns of the Droid Army move down the main road leading to Theed, the Naboo capital.

As the Queen watches helplessly from a window in the palace, a transport carrying Nute and Rune lands in Theed Plaza. They exit the transport.

Viceroy, we have captured the queen.

Ah, victory!

The Submarine is then see surfacing into the city of Naboo. It was a beautiful, romantic body of water. The submarine came to a full stop.

Jar Jar:
Oo. Dis seem uverly.

Obi-Wan opened the cockpit as Qui-Gon stands and looks around to see if the coast is clear.

We then see Queen Amidala, Sio Bibble, and Five of her handmaidens Eirtale, Yane, Padmé, Rabe, and Sache are surrounded by half a dozen droids. Captain Panaka, and four Naboo guards are also with them as they are lead downstairs to the main floor. Nute and Rune are walking with the group.

...how will you explain this invasion to the Senate?

The Queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I have assurances it will be ratified by the Senate.

I will not co-operate.

Now, now, your Highness. In time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view. Commander?

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