The unexpected battle pt.1

Start from the beginning

Sakura jumped infront of the man we are protecting and I just stood there frozen.
I can't move...why can't I move.... Just move!, I yelled to myself. As the rouge ninja was jumping towards Sakura and Tazuna, Sasuke dashed infront of them in a protective stance. Just then and arm caught the ninja's throat and stopped him in his tracks. We were all surprised to see our sensei standing there with his arms wrapped around the necks of both attackers.

"Hi." He said looking unamused.
We look over to where he supposedly died and found logs.
"A replacement jutsu." I whispered to myself.
Kakashi side eyed me, I wonder if he was disappointed in me, I didn't do anything, I just stood there.
"Naruto, Sorry I didn't help you right away, I didn't mean for you to get hurt, I just didn't think you'd freeze up like that." He said turning, walking away.
Why did he single Naruto out but I did the same thing...

"Good job Sasuke, you to Sakura, Makota-
Kakashi was cut off by Naruto yelling-
Kakashi turned to face the yellow hair boy.
"Naruto! Stand still these ninjas have poison in their claws, we need to take it out of you quickly."
Kakashi says calmly yet stern.
I didn't even see them cut Naruto's hand..
"We will have to open the wound and remove it, it's in your blood so don't move around! That spreads the poison." He continued in a more demanding tone.

Kakashi tied the rouge ninjas to a tree and started interrogating them, he let them attack, to find out who they were after.
"I wanted to know if they were after us or if they were after you." He said looking at the bridge builder.
This mission is now classified as a B mission not a C mission, this is to advance for us genin, Plus Naruto is hurt.

"I guess Naruto's hand could become a problem, we should go back to the village." Kakashi said, agreeing with what Sakura said about Naruto's hand.
Naruto grew angry over this, he pulled out his kunai and stabbed himself in the hand.
"N..Naruto." I said in shock.
"Why am I so different!" He grunted though his teeth.

He started on his speech about training alone and never backing down again.
"I will not run away and I will not lose to Sasuke!" He made that pledge on his wound.
"Uh Naruto... that's a lot of blood." I pointed out.
"Uh yeah, Naruto that was really cool how you took the poison out of you, but if you lose any more blood.... You're going to die." Kakashi stated in his same old calm voice.

But on the other hand, Naruto was not so calm. As he started freaking out and waving his arms around, screaming.
"I'm to young for it to end like this!"
But when Kakashi saw the wound on Naruto's hand it looked as if it was already healing... that must be the power of the nail tails..., I thought. After he wrapped up his hand we began walking again, keeping our guard up.

We made it to a river and a boat waiting for us, there wasn't much room on the boat as we all piled in. Naruto was still upset about earlier, he sat down aggressively rocking the boat a tad, I lost my balance and fell onto something hard. Looking up I saw Kakashi sensei wide eyed and one hand holding my lower back and the other on my thigh...I was sitting on his lap which was actually quite comfortable.

"If you're okay Makota, do you mind moving now?" His voice low.
"I'm not moving, your lap is comfy..." I say out of embarrassment, a bit of blush spreading on my checks. "Plus there's really not a lot of room on this boat.." I trailed off at the end when I thought I saw him blushing, but I couldn't tell because of his mask, his eye looked so soft and luring.
"It's so foggy out here." Sakura exclaimed.
Pulling both of us out of a staring contest we didn't even know we were having.

We were close to the land of waves headed for the bridge. The fog started to clear enough for us to see the bridge, it's huge, I thought but Naruto yelled it, like he read my mind.
"Quiet, I said no noise! Why do you think we are traveling this way!" The the guy rowing the boat quietly yelled.

Kakashi in a very stern and harsh voice asked the bridge builder to tell us why there are people after him and if he didn't say why, we were to drop him off and leave him at shore.
The bridge builder began to explain why, about a man who uses people, a drug dealer, he loves to control people and this bridge will stop him.

Kakashi and the guy continued their conversation, I couldn't help but to look up at Kakashi, his eyebrows were furrowed and listening closely, he quickly looked down at me raising one of his brows, my eyes wided and blush took over my face from being caught staring at him. I quickly directed my eyes over to the man still speaking. Now that my attention was on him, I realized he's telling a sob story about his family if we left him to "die".
"Well I guess we have no other choice, we'll have to keep guarding you." Kakashi said with a closed eyed smile.

Once we made it to shore we saw the town, it was quite cute. We continued on, Kakashi had a worried look on his face which caused me to feel nervous. Naruto threw a kunai into the blushes causing everyone to be on there nerves, he continued to run around "looking" for an attacker.
He threw a kunai into the bushes again, Sakura seemed to have enough of Naruto, she threw a punch at him, hitting him hard in the head.

Kakashi walked over to where that idiot last threw the kunai, we all saw a very scared white rabbit.
"Naruto, Come here." I said trying to keep a calm voice.
"What, why?" He asked in a worried tone, holding the white bunny.
"Just come here!" I growled.
"No! You're going to hit me!" his eyes widen in fear.
I growled raising my hand up to charge at him when kakashi yelled-
"Look out!"

We all turned to see a huge blade coming straight for us, I quickly dropped to the ground. A man appeared, standing on his handle of the blade that was embedded into the tree.
Kakashi spoke to him, apparently his name is Zabuza, a rouge ninja from the village hidden in the mist. Honestly though, I couldn't get past what he was wearing.. who wears trousers with no shirt, arm warmers, as well as leg warmers with cow prints- my thoughts were interrupted by Naruto charging at him. Kakashi quickly stuck out his hand to stop him.

"You're in the way, get back." his voice was hushed but stern tone.
He then reached up to his headband, that was covering one of his eyes.
"If he's our opponent, then I'll need this." He lifted his headband and revealed his eye.... It's a sharingan, like the Uchihas.
"I'm ready." He growled.
This is going to be one heck of a fight! I thought.

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