ᰔᩚ ~ Meet little Richie! ~ ᰔᩚ

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Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier

Sexuality; Doesn't know what that means
Age; ranges from 1-5
Favorite caregiver (If Polylosers) ; Eddie or Stanley
Favorite caregiver (If Streddie) ; Eddie
Favorite caregiver (if Steddbroughzier) ; Bill (never yells at him or punishes him, will send him to bedroom with nothing to do until he can apologize and explain what he did wrong.)
Favorite caregiver (if Stenbroughzier) ;
Favorite caregiver in general ;
Beverly, Ben, Mike, or Bill

Favorite activity ; Sleeping. (Or watching movies with caregiver (s))
Favorite snack ; Yogurt bites (idk wtf their called forgive me)
Favorite Show ; WONDER PETS.
Favorite plushie ; White rabbit with mint green spots named Minty
Favorite pacifier ; Green Princess and The Frog deco pacifier
Favorite Scent (idk, for me what a room/object smells like is VERY important to my little self apparently) ; Vanilla Strawberry
Favorite Outfit ; Pink sweater with white shorts and white knee high socks with rainbow strips around the top and of course his white sneakers
Favorite pajamas ; Bunny Onesie
Favorite nicknames (s) ; Baby, bunny/puppy, little one, sweet boy, sweetheart, love bug/cuddle bug

What does Richie call his caregiver (s)?

Eddie ; Mama (sometimes dada)
Bill ; Daddy
Stanley ; Mama
Beverly ; Mama/Mommy
Mike ; Papa/ Dada
Ben ; Papa

His hair is grown out to an out-grown bob-cut (idk if i got either of those right I'm sorry) so he likes to put it up in a ponytail with a white scrunchie and put colorful lil hair clips in.

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