♡ - Fun Day - ♡

559 9 2

Little!Eddie (2)
Ft. cg!Bill and Little!Stanley (5)

Ship; Reddie

Richie visits with his age regressor boyfriend, Eddie.

Their 16 in this


Eddie's mom opened the door. She had eventually grown to... 'like' Richie more since he became Eddie's caregiver, seeing as she doesn't have to take care of Eddie as much anymore.

"Hello, Mrs. Kaspbrak!" Richie had stopped calling her Mrs. K after the whole.... incident when the losers where 13. "Hello, Richie. He's upstairs in his room. I'm off to work." Sonia said as she exited the house. It was common for Sonia to rush out of the house when Richie had arrived. It was obvious why, she didn't like dealing with Eddie when he was regressed. It made her feel like she didn't do a good job raising her son, seeing as he regresses because his trauma and the fact he missed out on his childhood. Sonia didn't like that thought though, she liked to think she had raised him perfectly, that she was the perfect mother. But everyone in Derry knew she wasn't.

Richie smiled and immediately walked up the stairs. He opened the door, seeing Eddie sitting at the foot of his bed. He had a plain red pacifier in his mouth and he held his teddy bear close to him as he brought his knees to his chest. He was watching his favorite show, Strawberry Shortcake. Richie silently snuck up to the regressed boy, and snatched him up into his arms. "Gotcha!!" He exclaimed, and Eddie screamed. Once Eddie realized it was Richie, he giggled and hugged him tightly. "Dada!" He exclaimed, burying his head in Richie's neck.

"Hey, angel. Did you have a good day so far?" Richie asked as he sat the little back in the floor, sitting next to him. "Yeah!! She left me up here to play and watch!" Eddie said happily. He was too young when regressed to understand that it's wrong to do that, and he could've gotten hurt or something of that nature. But Richie wasn't gonna tell him that.

"Well, that was nice of her to give you some alone time! Did you enjoy it?" Richie asked with as much enthusiasm as he could muster up for the little who he loved so much. "Mhm! A lot!" Eddie answered with a wide grin. "Do you wanna see if Bill and Stanie can come over?" The mentally older asked, to which the mentally younger nodded his head quickly. "Yes! Yes! Billy and Stanie!!" The little started chanting, which made Richie laugh.
"Alrighty, wanna come with me while I go phone Bill?" Richie asked, standing up. Eddie nodded and made grabby hands. "Do you want ups?" Richie asked softly, and Eddie only nodded.

Richie picked up his little, holding him at his hip. Eddie buried his head in his caregivers neck as they went downstairs to the phone, which was on the wall outside of the kitchen. Richie put in Bills number with some slight struggle, then picked up the phone and pulled it to his ear. "Hello?
Hey, Bill!
Yeah, I'm over at Eddie's why? Oh, yeah!
Yeah, that's why I called actually.
Oh, that's fine! Yeah, it's okay with me.
Alright, see you soon!" Richie finished the call and placed the phone back in its holder.

"Guess what, Eddie Spaghetti?!" Richie said with so much enthusiasm some would mistake him of being on some kind of drug. Eddie laughed at this though, the nickname the funniest part to him. "Whut?" He asked with a small giggle, and Richie smiled. "Bill and Stanie are coming, and then we're gonna all four go to my house and have a sleepover!!" He exclaimed as he kissed the regressors cheek. "Yay!!" Eddie cheered while clapping his hands. "We have to wait about five minutes, but that isn't too long now it is?" Eddie didn't understand most with him being so excited, only understanding "wait", " five minutes", and " but isn't too long". But, Eddie still nodded, agreeing to what he had understood.


Richie and Eddie were sitting in the littles room, Eddie too invested in his 'Strawberry Shortcake' episode to hear the loud knocking on the front door. Richie stood and walked downstairs then opened the door. "Hey, Richie!" Bill greeted his friend with a warm smile. "Hey Bill." Richie returned the greeting. "Hi, Richie!!" Stanley exclaimed, he was holding his owl plushie close to his chest. "Sup, lil' dude!" The mentally older greeted while ruffling his friends hair. "Eddie, Eddie!" Stanley chanted as he ran into the house. "Stan, no running in the house!" Bill called out as he walked in and closed the door. "Sorry about him, he's been excited to see Eddie again ever since last time he came over." Bill apologized, though Richie shook his head as he walked upstairs again. "Nah, it's fine." He said as he entered the room behind Stanley.

"Bubba!" Eddie cheered as he looked up and saw his fellow age regressor friend, Stanley. He's always seen Stanley as a big brother and looked up to him. "Hello, Eddie!" Stanley said as he sat next to his best friend. "Wanna watch Winnie the Pooh? " Eddie asked. He knew it was Stanley's favorite show. But, Stanley shook his head. "No, we can watch this! I know how much you like this show." He replied. Richie and Bill smiled at his kindness. They adored their two littles more than anything, and sometimes they were too cute to handle when they were together.

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