The Story Behind an Unsolved Crime

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It was a shiny day, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming, but one thing corrupted this day for Jack, today he had to go to school, he never liked to go out, and he hated interacting with people that are not his family, so the two mixed together wasn't an ideal place to be in, Jacks was a 14-year-old boy with brown eyes and brown hairs, he was about 5'9 tall, he had a rather normal family, her mom had two jobs, one at the grocery store and one at a pub, so he didn't see her often, his dad was an engineer, and they lived in a normal-sized house, he didn't have a sister or brother, he enjoyed staying with his parents, since he didn't saw them very often. like every Monday, he grabbed his blue t-shirt and black pants, he grabbed his bag and walked to his school, after 10 minutes he arrived at his school, he looked down to the floor and thought to himself "I am right on time again", he secretly wanted to skip school, but seeing his mother hard work to keep this family together stopped him from doing that, he entered his mathematic class, it was his favorite class, because his teacher was a good friend of his father, and he liked to talk to him after class, but when the bell ringed, someone that he didn't know and the director walked into the classroom, the man was wearing a uniform, he guessed that he was an old basketball player, because he was very tall, about 7'3, he was wearing a bandage on his left eye, he had an emotionless expression on his face, he was very pale, and he had black hair and black eyes, he was getting uncomfortable and scared the more he was watching him, then the director finally spoke

Director: Hello class, since Mr. Riller didn't come to school today, we hired a teacher to replace him the time he is absent, meet Mr. James

Then as the name James heard, his expression totally changed, is expression looked like true happiness, When the Director walked out of the class, he started immediately to talk about math, he was like a robot, but it didn't bothered Jake, the only thing that bothered him was that Mr. Riller that never skipped a day of work suddenly skipped a very important class, it didn't make sense, and this James guy, every time he thinks about him he feels chills behind his back, this guy was very creepy in any way possible, but now wasn't the time to think about math, because he had other teachers that were waiting him, hour after hour he had that bad feeling about James, it was like he was watching him, this bad feeling stopped when he came back to his house, he didn't saw his parents car near the house, "they are still working ?" he though, he had the key to the house in his bag, he reached to his gray backpack, it took him much longer to find it than it usually did, but he remembered that he wasn't in a good mood this morning so it must be why it was in the back and not like he usually do.

When he opened the door he put the bag next to the couch in the living room, he walked to the kitchen and took what he usually eat for dinner, some toasts, a glass of water, and some vanilla, he then sat on the couch and began to eat, he was very tired, but he wanted to at least watch something for dinner, he took the tv remote and, and powered on the TV, he was watching a report of a dead body found near his school, then he heard whose body it was, it was Mr. Riller.

Jack was confused, who would want to attack him? He never did something bad to someone, then why him?

Jack couldn't understand, he thought of something, maybe he could go inside the school to find out what happened to him or why he was killed

He walked upstairs and entered his room, took a flashlight and a black hoodie, he walked down the stairs and walked through the door and ran in front of the gate that normally would stop him from going into the school, but the gates were open, did someone forgot to close them? Jack didn't know, but he kept going, he took his flashlight and searched for clues.

The building was very big during the night, he couldn't see very well in the building, and there were a lot of rooms, he ended up going 6 times in the same classroom, he flashed the clock in one of the classes, he could read "1 AM", when he came to his home it was 11 PM, even with his flashlight he couldn't see a single thing, for now, he would be searching for a generator to turn on the lights, he went to the second floor, he was searching for the principal office, it was the only room in the entire building with a window to look outside the office, so it would be very to look for it in the second floors, it took him 10 minutes to find it.

He opened the door and went for the keys on the desk, but then, he heard something, footsteps...

He quickly locked the door and crouched near the windows, the footsteps came near the office and stopped, he could see in the dark a shadow, it wasn't a illusion, someone was there, he was very tall, about 7'3, it was too dark to see anybody features, he slowly walked closer to the window, to see if he could see at least his face, he was now very close to the window, he looked again to look at the shadow that still wasn't moving, but now he could see him very well, he had blacks messy hairs, he had a black uniform with no tie, black pants, black gloves and black shoes, it seemed like he was trying to be a shadow, he looked at his face so see who it was but was stopped by a mask, it was a white mask with a big black smile and two big black eyes, then he saw that the man was looking at his hand, Jack tried to look at what he was watching but then stopped moving when he knew what it was, the man was holding a knife, after what seemed like hours, he heard something, footsteps, the man was walking towards the first floor, but couldn't move when he heard something that he didn't expect, the man started talking.

"Oh, little sheep, please don't run, we do not want to keep the fun? Oh little sheep please don't cry, you will not need to say goodbye, oh little sheep please don't weep, you will waste your delicious meat..."

Jack couldn't move, he was too scared that if he made a single move, the man will hear him and run towards him, his voice was deep, and it sounded very similar to Mr. James.

Jack looked at the masked man to see where he would go, maybe he could find an exit or the generator...

After what felt like hours, he saw the masked man walking down the stairs, it was the moment he was searching for! He walked slowly to the desk and saw keys, there were writings on it "generator, class 1a and the janitor closet", weird, did someone take the other keys, maybe the masked man stole them, it wasn't important, since he had the key for the generator, the rest of the keys didn't matter too much, he opened the door and turned on his flashlight, no sign of the masked man around the office, good.

He walked to the janitor closet, since his flashlight didn't have any battery left, and he knew that the janitor kept some batteries in his closet, when he came inside the closet, he took a long time to find the batteries, but when he found them, he heard a noise, at first he thought that the masked man walked up the stairs, but it was just the wind, when he realized it was just the wind, he walked out of the closet and searched for the generator, when found the room with the generator, "Found you", in the distance he could recognize the figure, he was holding a knife, Jack ran as fast as possible to the generator room, he could hear the footsteps coming closer and closer to him, he quickly took the keys and opened the generator room door and locked it right after entering the room, it was very silent for a moment, Jack did think that his time to die would come, but apparently not, he just had to stay in the room until the janitor or someone else came and he would be fine, right?

he approached the switch to turn on all the lights, he got up, looked at his sweaty hands and looked up to look at the switch again, he turned on the switch and watched the light of the room turned on, he slowly turned to think of a plan

"Shhhhhhhh~ little sheep, it's time to sleep"

"Shhhhhhhh~ little sheep, it's time to sleep"

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