"The cleanup is compulsory and you'll be handed out schedules in the first period. Thank you."

"Clean up up trash? I know a guy or two who could get tossed in a bag." I said to Quinni referring to the problematic men in our year. She laughed as a few other others who had heard me.

Students rapidly exited the gymnasium and went to class. I find out later that I had trash duty this afternoon, but first, SLTs.

I entered the room a little bit before the bell and found my mother had written To Porn Or Not To Porn on the blackboard.

"Are we gonna watch Shakespearien Porn today mother?" I said.

"Very funny, Justine. Now sit, students are coming in now."

I did as I was told. The second bell rang and my mother started her class.

"Morning everyone. So we all agree that porn has given us unrealistic ideas of what sex should look like. But is it all bad?"

"When you watch as much as Ant does." Dusty said. The class laughed.

"Very funny." My mother chuckled sarcastically.

Quinni raised her hand.

"It can be helpful if you don't know what you like." Quinni started.

"Or who you like." Sasha continued. "I 100% find out I was into girls watching porn."

"Oh my god, me too!" Spider exclaimed as Sasha rolled her eyes at him.

"Miss. I find porn a bit hectic. Like if that's what sex is supposed to look like, then I don't think I want it." Missy added to the conversation.

"Yeah, yeah. Really, it feels like it's all about getting a guy off." Amerie continued Missy's thoughts.

"Isn't it?" Spider exclaimed, laughing.

"Shut up Spider." I shouted. I didn't know what took over me. Maybe it was Amerie's comment earlier or the fact that she was right about Spider being cunt, but I just had to push him off his high horse. Thinking he was untouchable because he's a cis white male.

"Language Justine. But see, that's why I want to talk to you about pleasure. Specifically your pleasure." My mother continued. "It feels scary right? You know teenagers actually knowing what they want."

Oh I know what I didn't want that's for sure. Or so I tried to convince myself.

"I want that PlayStaion gift voucher." Quinni replied.

"I want a good almond milk." Sasha added.

"I want my dad to be proud of me." Ant spoke up, all the class awed due to his answer.

"So let's try something this week." My mother started while picking up a wood box. "I want you to put in this box things you like. Things you derive pleasure from. It can be whatever you want, just make sure it's honest, yeah? And we will read them out next class."

The bell rang and we all exited the room. Time for trash duty. I went to the class where they handed bags and gloves, and waited for my turn to have one.

Before The Bell Rings - Spencer WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now