Third phase

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(" Hello, y'all! OkThis is going to be probably the longest chapter I will ever make, but I will try to keep it short. This chapter is going to give you more information about mason, enjoy!")
🖤Masons pov🖤
I set my backpack down, and stood next to killua, " so what now?" I said putting my hands in my pocket, " Well you see.." he said, throwing off his robe to reveal him in shorts and tank top. " Now this game works by you trying to take the ball away from me. You can use any tactic you like, and I will only defend." He said spinning the ball on his finger, " what but that's barely a game." Gon said confused, " well then why not give it a try." The chairman said shugging his shoulders.
" Yeah why not" I said taking my hands out of my pockets, " yeah. I'll go first." Killua said walking up to the chairman. He started walking in a circle and all of the sudden there were more Killuas, " Wow!" Gon and I said. He started walking around a few more times before attacking the chairman on his right.
Killua threw many attacks but the chairman dogged them all and jumped away from him. Killua took a minute before running towards him sideways and smashing his legs with one of the chairmen, but the chairmen didn't show any signs of pain. Killua smirked, but soon changed into a painful expression, " ow, ow, ow?" Killua said hoping on one foot, as Gon laughed, as killua limped over to us, and tag teamed Gon.
💙 Killuas pov 💙
I tagged Gon and sat beside mason, who was looking for something in his backpack, " what are you looking for idiot?" I said as he pulled out an ice pack, and bandages. I started to crawl away but I got pulled back, and Mason looked at my leg, " yeah it's broken. But you should be used to that but I'm still going to wrap it up." He said, " Fine. Thanks I guess." I said as he put the ice pack on my bruise, and wrapped the bandage around it.
I noticed how steadily he was doing this, and that's when I knew that he did this before, " You done this before haven't you?" I looked at him, but he just kept looking at my leg, " yes. I had to fix myself a few times so I learned how to use medical equipment" he said finishing the bandages, and putting the rest of his things and sat down beside me.
I looked up to see gon in the air, and the old man let his guard down but gon had to ruin it by hitting his head on a light, "idiot we know how high you can jump no need to show off. He let his guard down for a second." I said pouting. " Yeah. Want a turn?" The old man asked, pointing at mason, " yeah why not."
He got up and walked up to Gon and tagged him. Mason took a deep breath, and took off his hoodie, " ok that's do this." He said, and then in a blink of an eye, shadow's appeared all around him, and a strong bloodlust came from him.
The chairman got caught off guard for a moment and Mason took advantage of this and charged at him attacking him instead of getting the ball.
" Hey, mason. You ok?" I said getting up from the floor, " wow your good, kid I'll give you that, but you should stop before you hurt yourself." The chairman said grabbing Mason's shoulders, but mason gave him a look that made him let go.
" Don't call me kid" he said as he walked away with his head hanged low, and grabbed his backpack from beside me and left.
🖤Masons pov🖤
I felt enraged when I was fighting the chairman, and him calling me kid didn't help any. ( I'm turning into the monster the Mafia raised me to be.) I thought as I bumped into something.
I look down to see two dead body's, and Killuas bloody footprints, " huh guess they pissed him off " I said following the footprints to find killua holding his shirt in on hand and the other with blood.
" Well looks like you had a little fun." I said, behind him, " oh my god!" He yelled falling down. " What the hell! You can't sneak up on people like that!" He yelled, " stop being a baby, and go to bed. I know assassin's can go days without sleep but it's better to be at full energy than half." I said extending my arm out to help him get up.
He took my hand and I pulled him up, " yeah i guess." He said as we started walking, "What happened back there?" Killua said putting back on his shirt, and giving me my hoodie," Thanks. And it's just anger thing I haven't sorted out yet." I said half the truth.
We arrived at a room, and opened it to see Leorio, and kurapika snoring, " are they having a sleepover in here? " I joked as killua chuckled,"Do you need to take off the bandage?" he asked, sliding down the wall. " Keep it up tonight. I'll remove it in the morning." He nodded and closed his eyes. (I should get some sleep as well.) I thought and kept my backpack in my reach.
I was sleeping when I heard a speaker saying we had arrived, and to go to the exit. I looked over to see killua by the wall looking up at the ceiling, and Leorio and Kurapika were gone," Morning. Did you take off the bandage?" I asked, " no I waited for you." He said moving towards me, " all right" I said putting my hand on of the strings and pulled it, and it came apart with the ice pack hanging from it, as I put it in my bag, " ok come on that's go" I said putting my bag on.
We were on the mountain and I was excited because I knew what we were doing, " So, mason would you like to help me show them what to do?" The woman asked," of course." I said as me and her walked to the edge, " what are you doing, mason?" Kurapika said wide eyed along with the rest of the applicants, " See ya." I said as we fell down into the crack. " Oh my god!" Gon said as everyone ran to the edge.
We fell until we held on the web, and waited for the gust of wind. I felt a breeze rush though my hair and I let go of the web, and grabbed and get a fell down into the abis.
We came up with the egg in hand, " there" I said throwing the egg to the chairman, " to make up for yesterday, old man " I mumbled quite enough only for him to hear, " no problem." He said eating the egg. I look back to see killua behind me with a smirk, " Hey there, mas." He said walking behind me with his arm around my neck and leading me back to the edge, " what the hell are you doing?' I said trying to get out of his grip.
But instead he picked me up by the waist, and all of us along with some other people jumped as well.
"Killua!" I yelled, as we fell and he let me go but instead of falling feet first I was falling head first. When we reached the web I was hanging off my feet, "Oh crap!" Leorio said as he started freaking out trying to help me up, " chill out. It's not the worst thing." I said.
Then the web started to break, " We have to go." Kurapika said, " no not yet." Gon said as he closed his eyes, " we have to wait for a breeze or do you want to meet the reaper?" I said as someone let go and fell to their death. I let out a sigh, " now Gon?" Killua said getting impatient, " Chill out!"I said, as Gon opened his eyes, " now!" He said as everyone let go of their branch, and I slid my feet off the web.
Everyone grabbed their eggs and flew up, and landed back in the ground. " Well fun right?" I said punching Killuas shoulder, " Uh yeah." He said scratching the back of his head. I look over to see gon giving his egg to the guy that the big man punched, "softie." I said.
* Time skips to the tower*
I was looking over down at the ground below wondering if there was a pattern to get down when I felt a tap on my shoulder, " yo, We found a way to leave, but it's hard to explain come on" he said as he walked me over to a rectangle on the floor, " so what now?" Leorio asked. " I guess this is goodbye." Kurapika said, " yeah and no hard feeling if someone dies" i said putting my hands in my pockets. Everyone looked at me and nodded as we jumped down only to realize that we all fell in the same one, but Leorio landed on his face, " ow!" He yelled.
* Time skips to the arena*
Tompa suggested to go first, but I didn't trust him at all. He walked to his side of the arena and his opponent walked to his said, " do you think his going to be ok?" Leorio asked, " Idk" I said shugging my shoulders, but I knew one thing the opponent was just going to torture him until he gave up. They got into a fighting position, and the opponent was going for the first hit, but before he could tompa went on his knees and put his hands in a praying movement, " I.. give up!" He shouted. Everyone except me and killua looked shocked, " what did he say? That he gives up?" Gon said," maybe he said give me a minute." Leorio said nervously. Tompa walked back, " whew sorry guys guess I was way over me head th-" before he could finish his sentence he Leorio grabbed him by the shirt and yelled at him saying that he lied, " well yeah I have no interest on passing the exam." Tompa said with a smirk, " Leorio its not worth it." I said pushing them away from each other.
Gon went next and won by blowing out his opponent's candle. Kurapika went next and I got to say he was a badass! Leorio lost and got us to spend 50 hours in a room! Killua ripped the heart out of his opponent's chest. I looked at him like he wide eyed, " that was fucking awesome!" I yelled as I punched his shoulder, " yeah whatever it's your turn, and it's up to you if we win or not." He said, " great no pressure." I mumbled stepping on to the plate from.
The person walked on to the platform with their hood still on," hello again, Lion." The person said, " What?" Killua said. I just stood there looking at the person with anger, and fear, " Viper" I whispered. The person took off their hood to reveal a woman about 34 in a black crop top, grey tights, short green hair, and black combat boots, " So you left the Mafia huh? Lady b is going to be pissed!" She said laughing, " Mafia!?" Everyone said staring at me shocked, but killua looked at me with curiosity.
I turned back to viper and she had a fake shocked face, " You didn't tell them? Then again you were never good at making friends, lion." She said taking a step towards me, " The names mason now" I said walking towards her, " Well I wanted a fight to the death, but I don't want an easy wi-" Before she finished her sentence I kicked her in the face and she went flying towards one of the fire poles, " What were you saying about an easy win?" I said. She spited blood out of her mouth and stood up, " Death match it is then." She said as scales apered all around her body, " What the hell!?" Leorio said hiding behind kurapika, as black fur formed on my body, " here we go." I said as I felt ears apered on my head and a tail on my lower back then my vision went red.
💙Killuas pov💙
( I can't believe it. Masons in the Mafia! Why didn't he say anything?) I thought as I watched curiosity at the fight, " What the hell!?" Leorio said going behind kurapika, and I looked to see black fur appearing on mason skin, " here we go" he said as ears and tail formed.
Then In a blink of an eye I look to see a black lion with red eyes, and a snake with yellow eyes larger than the lion Infront of it. " Mason?" I whispered, and the lion looked at me, " Wow and I thought those things on the towers were the monsters" tompa said with a smirk, " Hey jerk he's not a monster!" Gon said, " oh yeah then what's that" tompa said pointing at mason, and I looked to see him fighting the snake, but then it took a turn and the snake caught him on his blind side and bit him on his back. Mason roared in pain, and clawed the snake in the face, " hell yeah!" I shouted with my fist in the air. The snake hissed at mason and lunged at him with its fangs out, " Look out!" We all say but it was to late the snake had it's fangs on Masons back, and a green liquid was pouring out of it, " Mason!" We all shouted as mason fell to the ground. The snake let go of the mason and transformed back in, viper, " awe and I wanted to have more fun" she said walking away, and all of us turned away with tears in our eyes expect of tompa and mine with disbelief.
Then a loud roar was heard, " huh?" I said as we all turned around to see mason on top of viper with his paws on her throat, growling at her, " You don't have it in you to kill me, lion." She said with a smirk ( come on. Come on, you can do it) I thought looking at mason, and he stopped growling, " see I told you. You can-" Before she could finish, mason's jaws were around her neck as she laid still in a pool of blood. Mason then dropped her and walked towards us still in his lion form, " Hey are you ok?" Leorio said looking at him, and he looked at his injuries and shurged, " Please go to the door on your right." A voice said.
* Time skip*
Tompa was asleep on the couch as we were sitting down with mason still in his lion form as I petted his soft mane, " So you're in the Mafia, huh? Why didn't you tell us?" I looked at him and he looked away, " Can you tell us why?" Gon said as we all gathered in a circle. He nodded his head as he closed his eyes, and the fur disappeared. When he was done he had a white tank top, Ripped jeans and his shoes were messed up, his eyes were back to the dark eyes, and his hair was in a messy ponytail, with faded scars all around his body, " I didn't tell you because I didn't know if you guys were sent to get me." He said sitting in a Kris cross on the floor beside me, " get you?" Kurapika said raising as brow, " You can't just leave the Mafia. You are hunted, and this is what you get if you step a toe out of line." He said pointing at his scar's. I looked at him with
sadness ( I mean I have been tortured before but all my scars healed. They didn't care what happened to him.) "You raised in the Mafia ?" Leorio asked, " Yes. I was told I was born into it." He said fixing his ponytail, " what about your parents did they try to stop this?" Gon asked, " No. They were killed when I was born, because my dad was like me and it's against the rules to marry someone with ( flaws) like mine" Mason said with anger. I put my hand on his knee, " it's not a flaw." I said and he just smiled, " Ok on last question, Who was viper?" Kurapika asked carefully.
Mason sighed, " She was the last person you would want to see walk in the room. She would push you to the limit and beyond and didn't care if you bleed out right infornt of her." He said forming his hand into a fist, "I think we should call it a night." Kurapika said, and we all nodded and went to our spots in the room. I watched as mason was sleeping soundly beside me with a few stands of hair in his face ,I moved his hair out of his face, " I won't let them get you, mason. I promise." I said as I went to sleep.
(" Wow that was a long chapter, y'all! But I got it out, and if you have any suggestions for this chapter then please comment it and I will see if I can put it in. Thank you and have a good night/day!")

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