"Let's think," said Ron in mock puzzlement.

"Wait! Ron, you can think?" I acted surprised. 

He just ignored me and continued.  "Who do we know who thinks muggle-borns are scum?"

He looked at Hermione and Hermione looked back, unconvinced.  "If you are talking about Malfoy --"

"Of course I am!" said Ron.  "You heard him -- 'You'll be next Mudbloods'' -- come on, you've only got to look at his foul rat face to know it's him."

"I'm pretty sure my brother is not the heir of Slytherin, as far as i know we aren't even related to Salazar Slytherin." I said.

Ron and Harry looked unconvinced, they still thought that Draco was the heir of Slytherin.

"Look at his family," said Harry. "The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin; he's always boasting about it."

"Hey! That's not true!" I exclaimed annoyed.  "I am not in Slytherin."

"Well yeah, except for Sam." Harry said. "Sorry Sam, i forgot you were a Malfoy, you are just too nice."

"You forgot i was a Malfoy? Really?" I asked flashing the signature Malfoy smirk.

"Until that moment, yes." Harry said before continuing with what he was saying earlier. "They could easily be Slytherin's descendants.  His father is definitely evil enough."

I silently agreed to that last part.  Father definitely is evil enough.

"They could've had the key to the Chamber of Secrets for centuries!" said Ron.  "Handing it down father to son, and that's why Sam doesn't know about it, since she's a girl."

"I don't think so" i said, but everyone just ignored me again.

"Well," said Hermione cautiously, "I suppose it's possible..."

"But how do we prove it?" said Harry darkly.

"There might be a way" said Hermione dropping her voice even more incase anyone came down.  "Of course, it would be difficult.  And dangerous, very dangerous.  We'd be braking about fifty school rules, I expect --"

"Just get to the point already!" i said irritably.

"All right," said Hermione coldly.  "What we need to do is to get inside the Slytherin common room and ask Malfoy a few questions without him realizing it's us."

"But that's impossible," Harry said as Ron laughed and i gasped, finally catching on.

"No it's not," said Hermione.  "All we need is some Polyjuice Potion."

"What's that?" Harry and Ron asked together.  At that moment i decided to tune out for a bit, since i already knew that it was a potion that let you turn into someone else for an hour.  Plus, i was certain Harry and Ron would ask many questions.

I tuned back in when i heard Hermione saying that the potion was in this book called Moste Potente Potions which was bound to be in the restricted section.  Harry, Ron and Hermione started saying how getting that book would be impossible, since no teacher in their right mind would sign the slip permitting them to get that book.  As Ron was saying how the teacher had to be really thick to believe we'd just want to read the theory, I coughed loudly, getting their attention.

"Then it's obvious we'd have to get Lockhart to sign it.  He's the only one stupid enough to sign anything without reading." 

Harry and Ron agreed and they decided to ask Lockhart tomorrow, since they had his class and i wouldn't have it until Monday.

Since the conversation was over i said goodnight and went to bed.  However, as i got to my bed i saw Elitep there with a letter that i bet was from my father.  I groaned as i tore the letter open and saw that i had been right.


How is the mission going?  You must report to me in person this time, which is why I have arranged a portkey for Saturday at 2:00 pm.  Don't miss it or the consequences will be severe.

   Your Father,

  Lucius Malfoy

I groaned.  I would have to betray my friend's trust yet again, and i don't think he will be so lenient this time.  I am actually amazed i didn't get punished for the load of gibberish i sent him last time.  Deciding that I was going to worry about this later i fell to an uneasy sleep.


A/N:  Hey so i finally uploaded!!! I wonder how many of you actually keep reading, since there is so much time between uploads.  For those of you who actually keep reading, give yourself a pat on the back.  You guys are awesome.

I know this upload is probably pretty short but i just wanted to write and post in the same day, so here you go a short chapter :)  Either way it's still an upload, which is better than nothing. :)

so remember to:




I would actually love to hear from you guys, it would motivate me to write so there would be less time between uploads.  So that is it, goodbye!!! :)

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