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Kirishima gets ready to pick Yaeka up from school,
he steps outside and walks to her school hoping to see her wonderful, cheery smile again.
He reaches her school and sees something he would never expect, something that would make his blood boil.
He sees Yaeka getting pushed around by a bunch of older kids, them pulling and tugging at her long red hair, hitting her, slapping her, laughing at her, making fun of her and her friends desperately trying to stop them but to no avail.
His blood runs cold, his blood pressure starts pulsating and he looks at the kids with a death glare, like he is about to murder them.
The kids don't notice the enraged demon standing behind them and keep on tormenting the poor red head, all while Kirishima is trying to control his burning rage thinking to himself, ''They're just kids Kirishima, just kids, just kids, control yourself Kirishima, control yourself.'' but his efforts didn't work and he ended up pulling one of the older kids by their hair, trying to control his anger and trying not to send the kid to the hospital.
''A-ah, who are you?! why are you interrupting, what the hel-'' The irrelevant kid says before kirishima pulls him closer to look at him with a death glare.
''Who the fuck are you, kid? get away from the little miss before I murder all of you.'' Kirishima says with an irritated tone.
The kids realize who they're dealing with and end up running away.
Kirishima immediately pushes yaeka's friends and everyone watching aside and goes to the little miss, who is laying down on the pavement, all bruised and beaten up.
He examines the little red head before picking her up, gently patting her on the head, trying to comfort her.

He examines the little red head before picking her up, gently patting her on the head, trying to comfort her

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Yaeka holds onto him tightly as she is unable to move or talk, only mumble.
She tries to talk to Kirishima but is unable to form a proper sentence, only able to mumble as her consciousness slowly fades away.
Kirishima tries to understand what the young miss is saying but fails as he can only hear quiet muttering.
He glares at the kids one last time, signalling them to fuck off with his eyes.
He gradually walks home with the little lady in his hands, trying his best to make her feel cozy and warm, thinking about how he's gonna fuck those little bastards up for harming the little lady.
''K-k-kirishima...?'' The little lady murmurs quietly trying to talk to the enraged blue haired man.
''L-little lady!! are you okay, what happened?!..'' Kirishima says exhilarated because the young miss is finally concious.
''I-i think I'm okay.. my entire body hurts and it's hard to talk... I'll explain when we get home K-kirishima..'' Yaeka says exhaustedly.

After they arrive home, Kirishima eases the little lady into her bed, about to call Sugihara and the boss to inform them of what has happened.
''I'm gonna go bring the first aid kit, then you can explain what happened, little miss.'' Kirishima says but as he is about to walk away to bring the first aid kit he notices a little hand holding onto his.
''K-kirishima... don't go...don't leave me.'' Yaeka says in a sorrowful tone, tears forming in her eyes.
Kirishima a little surprised but also sad and angry to see his beloved little lady in such a pitiful state says,
''I am not going anywhere, little lady.. I'm just gonna treat your wounds and I'll stay by your side all day after that.'' Kirishima explains.
The little red head understands and lets go of his hand.
He goes to get the first aid kit needed to treat her wounds and comes back almost immediately, he holds her hand and talks to her while treating her wounds.
''So what happened, little lady?'' Kirishima asks.
''W-well I was running around with my friends and accidentally pushed one of the older kids, by accident.. I apologized right after but I guess he wanted some entertainment.. he pulled me by my hair and then he-'' Yaeka stops speaking after she sees Kirishima with tears in his eyes, angry tears, he looked like he was ready to kill those bastards.
''Little lady... I-I.. I'm so sorry that happened to you, I wish I could've been there for you.. i-i'm so sorry... you didn't deserve that, I promise I'll try to be a better babysitter, I promise I'll protect you even more, I promise i'll...'' Kirishima stops midsentence as he is unable to talk any longer with tears streaming down his face, he feels guilty and angry.
Yaeka pats kirishima on his head and he looks up in surprise, still wailing and unable to stop his tears, she says,
''Shh, Kirishima it's fine, I know it's not your fault. There's nothing you could've done, you weren't there, I'm sure you would've tried your best to stop it from happening if you were there, you're the best babysitter in the world, you don't need to cry anymore Kirishima.'' Yaeka says while patting and running her fingers across Kirishima's thick blue hair, trying her best to comfort him.
''B-but.. little lady.. I-i.. still..'' Kirishima says before he is interrupted,
''It's okay Kirishima, I understand how you feel, it's not your fault at all.'' Yaeka says with a comforting smile which makes Kirishima feel better.
He eventually gets to treating her wounds but the little lady seems a little nervous... she doesn't want her babysitter to see her wounds.
''No!!! you don't have to treat them I'm fine!!!..'' Yaeka hollers.
''But little lady!! you have to treat your wounds before it festers and hurts more.'' Kirishima says in disagreement.
''!! I don't want you to look at my ugly wounds...'' Yaeka says a little quietly.
Kirishima realizes why the little girl doesn't want him to see her wounds and he says,
''Oh, little lady.. you don't have to worry about that, I've seen way worse wounds and I don't think your ones are ugly, I think they look perfectly fine, your wounds don't change how cute you are, little lady.''
Kirishima says with a smugly smile, giggling a little knowing how flustered the little red head will get upon hearing his words.
''I'm not- I don't, w-whatever... just d-do it I guess..'' Yaeka says while blushing and looking the other way trying to avoid Kirishima's devilish eyes and smirk.
Kirishima finally treats Yaeka's wounds and says,
''There little lady, you're all better now.'' with a little smirk knowing how red Yaeka's face is now.
''T-thank you Kirishima..'' Yaeka says to Kirishima still looking the other way trying to not look at his face.
Kirishima immediately notices and holds her hands and says,
''Little lady, you don't wanna look at your babysitter?'' in a playful manner attempting to tease the little lady, with a big grin on his face.
''Well, no! it's.. it's just that...'' Yaeka says while blushing still trying to avoid the blue haired man sitting down infront of her, holding her hands.
Kirishima gets a little closer to her and says,
''But I'd really appreciate it if you look at me.'' with a grin on his face.
''F-fine!! I will.'' Yaeka finally turns her head and looks straight into the blue haired mans determined eyes which causes her to jump up and go all red.
Kirishima chuckles and says,
''Hehe you're so adorable little miss, I'll stop teasing you now.''
Yaeka gets a little mad knowing all along her babysitter just wanted to tease her but also giggles as shes happy that Kirishima is in such a good mood.
''Okay well, I'm gonna go call Sugihara and the boss to tell them to arrive home quickly, so-'' Kirishima says before the little red head interrupts him.
''N-no.. Kirishima don't go, it's fine... just stay with me for a little longer, please?'' Yaeka says as she desperately holds onto Kirishimas warm hands.
Kirishima feels a little stunned but he knows he can't say no to the little lady so he decides to stay with her.
Yaeka snuggles upto Kirishima, she holds him tightly and curls up in his warm arms which make her feel cozy and comfortable, they both fall asleep hugging each other, feeling safe and happy in each other's arms.

Yaeka snuggles upto Kirishima, she holds him tightly  and curls up in his warm arms which make her feel cozy and comfortable, they both fall asleep hugging each other, feeling safe and happy in each other's arms

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The boss and Sugihara later arrive home and find out what happened. They go to Yaeka's school and inform them of what happened, which causes the little bastards who bullied yaeka to get suspended for good.

 They go to Yaeka's school and inform them of what happened, which causes the little bastards who bullied yaeka to get suspended for good

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HI GUYS!! hope u enjoyed this one too 😊😊🙏🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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