Enny Meeny Minny Mo That Hoe

Start from the beginning

Smiling in appreciation I nod, peeling myself away from the counter. Ignoring how the room swayed in return.

"Just give me five, I'll be back down and want to hear something other than Dreams and Nightmares at this party."

"Text me if you decide you're ready to go, okay?"

Nodding, I start making my way to the stairs. Random couples take claim over a stair, basically knawing each others faces off, their annoyance apparent when I squish past them to get upstairs. The heat, the loudness, and the lighting of the house making my stomach churn in the worst way possible, fueling my desire to make it to Aiden's room. Until I'm hit with the realization that 1. this is my first time inside his place and 2. I have no clue which room is his.

Three doors greet me at the top of the staircase, one of which wears a sock proudly helping me narrow down the doors quickly. Chewing my lip, I stare at the two options left before doing what any logical person would do.

Enny Meeny Minny Mo that Hoe.

Settling on the right door, I blow a breath of relief when I'm greeted with an empty room. Shutting the door behind me, my head makes contact with the door and peace flows through me at the effective muffling of the music blaring downstairs. Glancing around the room I realize that Aiden and I have very different definitions of messy rooms. His bed was made, the grey comforter and sheets tucked neatly. His desk was devoid of clutter, each thing seemingly in its proper place, textbooks neatly stacked on the shelf beside it. There were several vinyls gracing the wall, artist ranging from Nina Simone to Young Thug displayed proudly. My examining of the room is cut off by the opening of the door behind me.

If there is one character trait that I'd have to admit to, it's that I have the nerves of a squirrel.

Possibly due to me being surprised, or the horror stories I've been told of random guys following a girl into a room at a party, I immediately reach for the closest thing to me and swing it at the direction of the sudden guest. An action quickly stopped by the person grabbing the object cutting its momentum. I look up only to be greeted not by some random creep at a party, but by none other than Noel Evans.

Aiden's teammate and housemate. I picked the wrong room.

His expression is nothing short of surprised to not only see me, a girl he's probably only met once in his room. But also to have been swung at by what I now realize is his own baseball bat. His brown eyes wide with shock. He was in a plain white shirt and Black joggers, his bookbag on his shoulder giving away that he was just getting home. I'm barely level with his chest, forcing me to need to look up whenever he's around, and his toned arms are currently outstretch holding the end of the bat that was inches away from connected with his skull.

Mortified, I release the bat as if it burned me. A flood of apologies pouring out of my mouth only to be cut off by his laughter.

"So not only do I get the pleasure of coming home to a random ass party, but I also get attacked for coming in my own room," he chuckles dropping his bag at his desk before turning back to me. Amusement swimming in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I thought this was Aiden's room, so I was caught off guard to hear someone else coming in," I mumble connecting my gaze with his before swiftly switching my focus to the tips of my shoes.

"If it was anyone else, I'd be pissed. But you aren't exactly a stranger so I'll give you a pass," he quips before choosing to sit on the futon in his room, switching the small television I never noticed on.

"I'm guessing the party isn't really your vibe right now if you're up in some random dude's room right?" He questions glancing in my direction before motioning that I could sit down.

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