"I am going to buy myself another ice cream." She said and went inside the ice cream shop.

"I kinda feel sad for Katelyn. Laughing about her fallen ice cream was not very nice of us." Pixal remarked.

"Now that you said it, I feel sad too." Skylor said, finishing her ice cream.

Katelyn then returned with another ice cream but instead in a cone it was in plastic cup with a small spoon. "Now the sucker won't fall off!" Katelyn said with a smile on her face.

After everyone was ready with their ice creams, Skylor invited us over her place so she can show us her car. We are still underage for driving but the good thing is that Skylor is getting her driving license this summer. I on the other hand have at least one more year till I get mine.

Skylor led us to her garage and the car was even more impressive in real life.

"Wow, I wish my brother had a car like this." I said.

Now Kai is very famous for breaking everything new he gets so he is stuck with an old Volkswagen.

"How ironic. Kai is older than Sky and she has better car than him." Katelyn joked.

"Yeah, I have a car but I can't drive it yet." Skylor said with a sigh. "I wish I somehow got my license earlier."

"Maybe there is a way Sky." We heard Pixal say from behind. She was smiling a little.

"Are you for real?" Skylor asked, getting her hopes up.

"Yeah. My father knows someone, who knows a girl, who knows a guy, that knows another guy that gives private driving courses."

"Um, isn't this illegal?" Katelyn asked, not so sure about it.

"Well considering that Skylor is going to start her driving courses this summer it pretty much legal to do so. Of course if you are the one that wants he won't do it because you are still a freshman." Pixal explained to Katelyn.

"Great! Another reminder that I am little!" Katelyn pouted.

"Pix, you are a life saver. Are you sure that your father will be okay with it?" Skylor asked, still little unsure.

"Well he is helping me get my license sooner so I think it won't hurt him if he helps you too." Our nindroid friend reassured her.

"Okay then. We are doing it!" Skylor said, happy that she will get to use her car. Then she gave Pixal a big hug. "You are the best Pix!"


Skylor's POV

Finally the big day has come! I'm taking my first driving course. I was a little nervous because I feel like I am not ready for this. I think that my heart is going to go out of my chest from excitement.

I was waiting for Mr. Thompson to come. I looked at my watch and sighed. He is five minutes late. I know I shouldn't worry but I still have the feeling that he got in trouble because of me. All my worries suddenly left when I saw Mr. Thompson.

"Sorry I am late, one of my students was a very hard one. She kept turning left when I told her to turn right." Mr. Thompson excused himself.

"Don't sweat it Mr. Thompson." I said.

"Call me Trent. No need for formalities." Trent said giving me a smile.

We decided to start with Trent asking me simple things. Yesterday I studied a lot and it payed off. He was impressed with all the things I learned for the past month.

"You did well Skylor." Trent praised me and I got flustered a little. "Now let's see how you are behind the wheel."

We entered the car and I got a little nervous. Even though I already have a car I haven't been behind the wheel. "Trent can I be honest with you?" I asked him and he just nodded.

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