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A/N: hey sorry it been so long and ik this is a short chapter but i'm back at school rn so i'm a bit burnt out

It was early morning and the boys were cuddled up in Nicks bed wrapped up in a blanket and Nick slowly opened his eyes but remained in the same position as he looked down at Charlie. The morning sunlight glistened through the curtains and onto Charlie's face revealing brown highlights in his thick dark curls that covered the majority of his forehead and just above his eyes. The sight was hypnotic to Nick, sometimes he couldn't believe that Charlie was his boyfriend and that they could have this relationship together but they did and Nick loved Charlie probably more than anyone in the world.

Charlie's stomach rumbled in his sleep and the baby sucked harder on his pacifier so Nick slowly moved away being careful to not wake Charlie up and trotted down the stairs into the kitchen. Nick popped some toast into the toaster and put the kettle on and as he went to the fridge to get some milk for Charlie he saw the message that his mum had left on the fridge saying she'd already left for work and won't be back till the afternoon.

Nick put the milk in a bottle into the microwave to warm it up and made himself a cup of coffee before buttering the toast. However he began to hear soft whimpers and cries coming from upstairs and the cries only got louder and louder until Nick abandoned the breakfast in the kitchen and ran upstairs to his room to where he found Charlie crying, sat up staring at the doorway clutching his stuffy close to his chest.

The sight only broke Nick and he rushed over and brought Charlie into a close tight hug letting his small frame collapse into the warm embrace of his boyfriend. 'Hey baby what's wrong?' Nick asked softly, whispering into Charlie's ears.

'I woke up ... and ... daddy wa,' Charlie spluttered out before fully sobbing into Nicks shoulder.

'Shh, shh it's ok, Daddy's here now ok baby, how about a nice bath?' Nick offered in an attempt to cheer up the boy.

'With bubbles?' Charlie blubbered.

'Yes of course, i'll get it started now,' Nick said calmly as Charlie quietened down, 'Do you want to come with daddy?'

Charlie didn't respond verbally but wrapped his hands around Nicks neck and his legs round Nicks waist signalling that he wanted to be carried so Nick picked up Charlie's pacifier and pushed it back into his mouth before carrying him to the bathroom.

Nick placed Charlie down onto the toilet seat and leaves him there as he turns on the taps to make sure it's Charlie's preferred temperature. At this point Nick has given up with the breakfast and will attempt to feed Charlie lunch but with his state right now he wouldn't want to push Charlie any further.

Nick poured in the bubbles and dropped some of Charlie's bath toys in the water and then he walked over to the boy and undressed him slowly before picking him up and placing him in the bath. As Nick did the Charlie only whined in response and made grabby hands at Nick signalling him to come join him in the bath. So Nick got undressed and came in behind Charlie, wrapping his arms around the smaller boys waist and pulling him back letting Charlie relax and fall back onto Nicks torso. The baby slowly fell back asleep, sucking softly on his pacifier and letting Nick relax whilst holding his baby tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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