Little time

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It had been a couple weeks since Charlie had first regressed and it had happened a couple times after that but most of the time Charlie was able to stay big but that didn't stop Nick from taking a pacifier to school with him just in case. It was a Monday morning and when the two were walking to school Nick had noticed how oddly quiet Charlie had been, normally the boy was either talking enthusiastically about some random topic like a film he'd watched at the weekend or he was grumbling about how it was Monday and he was exhausted or how he had shitty lessons that day but today, quiet.

This worried Nick deeply and before the two crossed the road in front Nick stopped Charlie and made his boyfriend look him in the eyes.

'Char are you ok baby?' Nick questioned searching for an answer in the boys eyes.

'Yeah I'm fine' Charlie croaked, his voice quiet'

'Char, don't lie to me' Nick said looking at the boys exhausted expression, 'Did you eat this morning?'

'I-' Charlie mumbled before tearing up, 'I tried like I really did like I made it but I just looked down and it's like my brain was just filled with scribbles and it all was just so overwhelming, I just couldn't'

'Oh baby,' Nick cooed, pulling Charlie into a hug, 'It's fine baby it's fine, did you bring lunch?'

Charlie shook his head into Nicks shoulder, 'Alright baby we'll just get you something from the canteen like a sandwich' Nick whispered pulling the boy in tighter, 'Would that be ok Char?'

'I think so, i'm so sor-' Charlie mumbled before Nick but a finger to his lips.

'Hey no s-word Charles.' Nick said, 'It's fine baby not every day is going to be a good day.'

Charlie nodded and then the two walked into school with Nick making sure to give Charlie's hand reassuring squeezes until the boys got to their form. In form Charlie stayed quiet but Nick felt better knowing what Charlie was feeling sad about and then Charlie soon dozed off until the bell went for first period. When Charlie woke up he looked around and felt panicky but also small. 'Shit' Charlie muttered realising he was regressing, attempting to pull himself out of it.

'Char baby are you ok?' Nick whispered feeling concern for the boy again but when Charlie didn't respond and clung to Nicks blazer tightly, his face buried deep into the crook of Nicks neck, Nick quickly understood what the issue was. The older quickly gave the boy a kiss on his temple before telling him to meet in the music practice room at break after period one. To this Charlie nodded and pulled his fingers to his mouth before Nick pulled them away. Nick then reassured him it would just be one period and then they could relax in private.

Charlie then walked to his first lesson still feeling clumsy and small but he managed to suppress the feelings by the time he'd got to Music. Few, Music was an easy lesson, Charlie understood sheet music just fine so all he had to do was work through this then he could have little time with Nick. Soon Charlie realised he was daydreaming and had the sudden urge to pee.

'Um Sir can i got to the toilet' Charlie asked his teacher raising his hand.

'Charlie is it an emergency' His teacher responded.

'Yes Sir can i please go?' Charlie asked, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold it much longer in this headspace.

'Very well Charlie but be back soon or you'll miss out on the work' His teacher groaned, rolling his eyes.

With this Charlie practically jumped up and sped-walked to the bathroom, hoping he could make it on time, when he got there he quickly ran to the bathroom and unbuckled his pants letting his stream flow. That was a close one. By the time Charlie got back to the lesson there was only ten minutes left so he finished of his work and then practically skipped over to the practice room and waited for his boyfriend.

When Nick reached the room he quickly opened the door and found his boyfriend sitting on the chair looking down still.

'Hey baby, are we still little?' Nick questioned turning his baby around.

'Yes Nicky' Charlie mumbled almost throwing himself into a hug with his daddy.

'Awh baby it's ok, daddy's here now' Nick said accepting the hug and kissing his baby's forehead, 'Do you want your paci buddy?'

'Yes please daddy' Charlie answered and Nick pulled the pacifier from his pocket and pushed it into the baby's mouth. Charlie accepted it and sucked softly on the pacifier before his arms relaxed and Nick pulled the two to the floor with his arms and turned the boy around so the baby was sat in between his legs whilst Charlie was mumbling quietly.

'Shh baby it's ok you're safe now' Nick cooed rocking his baby. 'No need for big boy things now we can just take a break from all that'

'Thankwu daddy' Charlie mumbled his words muffled by the pacifier.

'I love you my baby boy' Nick whispered in his ear quietly. 'You're such a good boy baby, look what i've got' Nick the reached into his bag and pulled out Charlie's favourite stuffy. It was a golden retriever which Charlie had decided to name Nicky as the stuffy had been said to remind the baby of his daddy. Charlie quickly made grabby hands to the stuffy and Nick gave it to the boy and the baby quickly pulled it tight to himself.

The boys stayed like that until the bell went and Nick quickly took the pacifier out of Charlie's mouth and put it back in his pocket. As this happened Charlie quickly turned around looking at Nick in his eyes. 'Hey hey, Char it's ok daddy's got it' Nick cooed, 'Daddy will give it back at lunchtime, Art rooms?'

'Ok daddy,' Charlie mumbled. 'Can i keep my stuffy, it fits in my pocket' The baby said showing how it wouldn't be seen.

'Ok baby that's fine just make sure it doesn't get dirty' Nick whispered before standing up and walking the two out of the room.

'Thank you Nick, you actually are the best boyfriend' Charlie giggled, content with his boyfriends care.

'It's ok baby, i'm just doing my job' Nick said giving Charlie a quick kiss goodbye before going off to his next lesson.


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