Another Accident

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It was saturday morning and Nick and Charlie had made a plan last night to go to the shopping centre today and then go to a park a couple towns away, just so Charlie could regress and no one would see him.

When Charlie had woken up he had no memory of going to Nicks bed the night before or getting changed into pyjamas which meant he'd slipped again last night but as Charlie moved to get out of the tight hug Nick had trapped the smaller in whilst they slept he felt that same wet feeling on his bottom that he'd felt the evening before. Charlie didn't no what to do he just wriggled trying to get out of Nicks arms wishing the bed would just swallow him whole.

'Char baby are you ok?' Nick whispered making the hold on his boyfriend tighter pulling him closer.

To this Nick got no response and he just felt Charlie wiggle more attempting until the smaller gave up and just started quietly sobbing into Nicks shoulder. Nick continued to cradle his boyfriend but the reached a hand lower down into the bed and touched the sheets and felt the wet patch on the bed.

'Oh baby it's ok, it's ok' Nick said placing his lips onto Charlie's temple, starting to rock his baby, 'You go get yourself in the shower and i'll change the sheets ok baby can you do that for me?'

Charlie nodded and slipped out of the sheets and Nick took the smallers hand and led him to the bathroom. After Charlie just followed making no sound and putting his fingers in his mouth Nick realised Charlie had regressed to the point of being non-verbal so Nick told Charlie to put his arms up before getting him undressed and turned on the shower before leaving Charlie to wash himself.

Once Nick had returned to his bedroom he stripped the sheets they had put on last night and took them down to put them in the washing machine. Nick then got some fresh sheets out and put them on his bed before walking into the bathroom to check on Charlie.

'Char baby are you ready to come out now?' Nick said getting a towel ready for his boyfriend.

'Yeah' Charlie croaked but from what his voice sounded like Nick could tell the boy had just been crying.

'Ok Char, i've got a towel ready for you' Nick said opening the curtain and wrapping Charlie up in the towel, 'Let's go back to my room and we'll get you dressed ok?'

Charlie just nodded and then the two boys walked back to Nicks room. Charlie sat himself down on the bed as Nick got some more clothes out for the smaller. A blue hoodie, some black shorts and some boxers. 'Come here Charlie' Nicks said and the boy walked over to Nick and dropped the towel whilst Nick dressed him quickly. Once they had finished getting Charlie dressed Nick also changed out of his pee soaked clothes and hopped in the shower whilst Charlie waited in his room. Nick soon came back and got himself ready before going downstairs to make him and his boyfriend some breakfast and cups of tea.

As Charlie came down and found Nick in the kitchen Nick asked, 'So what do you want for breakfast love'

'Umm' Charlie said clearly struggling with the idea of food 'i don't know'

'I can make us some fruit smoothies if you want' Nick asked, he knew this wouldn't be very filling but sometimes Charlie couldn't manage with solid foods so he preferred to have something blended down.

'Yeah sure,' Charlie said sitting down on the counter as Nick got two glasses out and began making the smoothies, 'we'll go out around 12 ok baby and we'll get some lunch on the way.' Nick said.

'Ok Nicky' Charlie said grabbing his smoothie and drinking it whilst scrolling through instagram on his phone.

'So Char do you know if you're going to be ok to regress for when we go to the park or do you just want to be big today?' Nick asked looking at the boy who was still sipping at his smoothie.

Charlie's regressionWhere stories live. Discover now