Bad Day

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It was after school and the two boys were walking home when Nick noticed that Charlie's mood hadn't changed since the morning, They'd been able to sneak in some time at break but other than that Charlie hadn't been able to regress all day. Nicks concern had only been amplified at lunch when Charlie didn't eat anything and when Nick had offered to help him eat it, Charlie had ended up tearing up so Nick chose not to test him.

It was mainly silence as the two walked to Nicks house but as soon as Nick had put his bag down and taken his coat off Charlie just slumped into him and sobbed silently into Nicks shoulder. 'It's okay baby it's okay,' Nicks cooed as his lips rested on Charlie's head. 'You go upstairs and get into bed and i'll be up soon baby don't worry'. Charlie silently slumped up the stairs and practically flopped as Nick went into the kitchen to get a cup of tea for himself and fill up a sippy cup of apple juice for Charlie.

Back upstairs Charlie laid in Nicks bed cuddling his stuffy with tears still in his eyes. Today was a really bad day for Charlie. For starters he'd just woken up knowing today was going to be a shit day, he was correct, first off when he'd woken up he couldn't eat his breakfast and the when his mum had questioned him, they just ended up arguing until Charlie had grabbed his bag and stormed out of the house slamming the door behind him and he'd rushed off to Nicks.

The next awful thing occurred after his break with Nick when he'd managed to end up failing a test he'd spent way to much time revising and his teacher didn't help with the look of disappointment on her face when she handed Charlie back his test. Like what's the need, Charlie's already felt shit about his test score and then his teacher just kept pushing him closer and closer to the edge.

The next period should of been okay but Charlie could hardly cope with the idea that lunch would be next, as all thoughts of the time he was going to have with Nick were out the window and all was left was a crippling anxiety caused by the sandwich and carrot sticks that were in his bag. This left Charlie unable to focus and in a headspace where he might as well have been unconscious with how slow his brain was working.

As the inevitable came as it always did Charlie could not do anything in the art room at lunch. Nick had tried everything to help Charlie eat and regress but nothing would work so the older had just given up and sat him and Charlie on the floor and rocked his baby until he fell asleep as that seemed to be the only way to calm the younger down.

After lunch the next two periods went by in a blur for Charlie with only random parts his memory actually attaining so by the end of fifth period Charlie had basically given up trying to act like a person who actually cared so he'd just ended up walking to the sixth form entrance avoiding everyone else by looking down and blasting music in his ears so loud that it would be heard by anyone who walked near him.

When the younger had reached the sixth form, he saw Nick and practically threw himself onto his boyfriend which Nick took as a sign of it not have being a very good day so the older embraced his boyfriend in a tight hug and then took Charlie's hand and started walking home together.

When Nick had returned he'd grabbed Charlie's pacifier and had the drinks in his hands so he set them down and carefully woke up his sleeping boyfriend, which technically Nick didn't want to do due to the cuteness of Charlie sleeping soundly clutching his stuffie and with his thumb in his mouth. But Nick woke  Charlie up anyway.

'Hey baby how about we get out of these uncomfy big boy clothes.' Nick cooed sitting Charlie up and to this Charlie only grumbled and grabbed the pacifier that was in Nicks hand and stuck it in his mouth so Nick took off the boys blazer and hung it up the rooted around his draws to find stuff for Charlie to wear until he'd settled on one of the snap crotch onesies with a Captain America print on the front and some red fuzzy socks. Nick then grabbed the changing supplies and started to get Charlie changed with him starting with his shirt and replacing it with the onesie then took off his trousers and underwear. 'Charlie baby can you lift your hips up for me?' Nick asked tapping Charlie's hip bones to which Charlie lifted his hips and let Nick slide the padding under his bottom. Nick then sprinkled powder over the baby's crotch and slowly rubbed it in making Charlie squirm as Nick got to his 'sensitive bits'.  The two had discussed being sexual whilst doing the little space stuff but they'd never actually got round to this but suddenly the touch was lost and Charlie wined loudly whilst thrusting his hips up chasing Nicks fingers before Nick tutted, shaking his head whilst pushing Charlie's hips down, 'Not yet baby, not yet now stay still' Nick then proceeded to finish changing his boyfriend by pressing down on the types to make sure Charlie wouldn't leak then pulling down on the snap crotch and securing the buttons in place. Nick then slid on the fuzzy socks and let Charlie get back in the bed and Nick tucked him in. Now this was a cuter sight.

Nick then proceeded to get changed himself into some joggers and left his shirt off then climbed into bed with the sleepy Charlie and turned him round so Charlie was resting on Nicks chest and the older turned on his tv. 'Charlie baby what do we want to watch,'  Nick asked Charlie who popped his head up and looked at the tv screen which Nick had already put on disney plus for his baby. 'Hmm cars 2 pwease' He replied his words distorted by his pacifier. 'Ok baby now sit up and you can have some apple juice.' Nick said pulling Charlie up. 'Ok tank you daddy' Charlie replied sweetly removing his pacifier and drinking the apple juice. The younger watched intently as the movie played eating up every bit of it then leaning into Nick and slowly falling asleep as Nick watched rubbing the nape of his head slowly and letting the boy flop onto his boyfriend. Ok maybe this sight was cuter than the other two.

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