We will forever be your hyungs - ⁿᶜᵗ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐ🥀

Start from the beginning

He immediately goes to his single room and locks the door, then he sits on his bed and takes out the tablet. The thing Jisung wanted to do is find the mistake in the choreo, even if that takes him all night. He can't sleep anyway, so he might as well use the time and resolve his anger by finally finding that bug. But even when his members come home and have already gone to sleep, Jisung still can't find anything. He searches and searches. He already knows every step and every movement in the video by heart, but he can't find the mistake and it bothers him.

Jisung feels his strength slowly leaving him and his body starts to tremble. Jisung is not tired, but his body is sick.
Jisung is sick.
Probably because he ran through the night sweaty and wearing thin clothes.
"I can't get sick. Not now," Jisung says to himself and tries to get up. Every step he takes hurts and gets worse from time to time. He digs in his shelve in the bathroom and finds the box. There are special pills that can only be prescribed by a doctor. Jisung got them from a buddy who has easy access to the pills. They wake you up quickly, but are dangerous in overdoses. Jisung takes one and then goes back to his bed.

After just a few minutes he is fit again and actually decides to take a break. He wouldn't find the mistake anyway. He looks at the clock and it's already 3am. Jisung lies down for three hours just staring at the ceiling. Again he can't get an eye. But his body already feels much fitter and when he got up at 6 he felt fresh. If Jisung didn't know any better, he would think he had 10 hours of sleep behind him. So Jisung freshens up and then goes to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. At the dining table he greets his members with a smile and that made his members feel uneasy a bit, since Jisung was so harsh yesterday.

"Hyung, we wanted to ask you if we could get a day off today. The older Hyungs invited us all to the park," asks the youngest and Jisung thinks for a moment.
"Sure, why not. I watched the video and you're well prepared," says Jisung and the boys immediately cheer. "Are you coming with us too, Hyung?" asks one of the boys, but Jisung shakes his head.
"I'm sorry, but I have a meeting with the manager regarding the comeback, but you guys have fun," Jisung lies. In reality, Jisung stays at home and re-examines the video.

When the boys are gone, Jisung spends the whole day watching the video. He pays attention to every detail and from minute to minute Jisung notices how weak he is again, but when Jisung is about to go get another pill, it hits him like a bolt of lightning.
"I'm making the mistake!" he shouts loudly and pauses the video and sure enough Jisung is out of sync for a second. He picks out older videos and in fact Jisung makes the same "mistake" everywhere.
It's not really a mistake. After all, this is only a second of him being aout of sync, but Jisung has subconsciously noticed the mistake and it makes him angry. He feels so bad right now for torturing his members with training just because he made a mistake that he didn't realize himself.

Jisung immediately runs to the SM Building and goes to a training room and trains until his very last strength leaves him.
It's 2 a.m. and Jisung is using the very last strength he has left to go home. Again he walks through the cold with his sweaty clothes. Jisung goes to his room and locks the door, then he stumbles into the bathroom and takes the whole box with him, then he lies down on his bed. He briefly considers what kind of day tomorrow is and it occurs to him that tomorrow or better said today  is an important interview. So Jisung thinks for a moment. His buddy, from whom the pills are, said he can take a maximum of two a day, otherwise it can be dangerous, but Jisung needs the strength, so he takes the last four pills he has left and puts them in his mouth and swallows it dry.

It doesn't take long for Jisung to feel something. At first he's fine, but then his fingers start to tingle and he feels his legs lose sensation. He tries to get up, but his head is spinning and his legs are like jelly. He immediately falls back on the bed. Jisung feels very strange and starts to cry. His body is very hot and all his limbs tingle. He has no feeling in his arms and legs. It's like his body is asleep but he isn't. Jisung gets scared and has a panic attack. He's having trouble breathing, and as he gasps for air, everything goes black and Jisung lies motionless on the bed.

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