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"I'll be with you soon"

"Be with him my ass!" Bakugou yelled

"Bakugou!" Denki hit him

Sero quickly looked back and tried drying his tears. "What are you guys doing here?" Sero asked

"We thought something was wrong so we went to your house and saw you leave, we followed you here" Kiri said

"Love, I know you're hurt but Todoroki wouldn't be happy if he saw you beating yourself up" Mina said as she went to hug him

"I miss him" Sero cried in her shoulder

"We all do my dear, but you have a kid that loves you and is worried for your health. We know he is already a teenager but we will always be here for us including him" Mina said

"I just want him to be back,  I didn't want him to leave. I need him" Sero said

"Dear, I know you love him and I know it hurts. But you'll have to let him go and as harsh as it sounds he found peace and you'll do the same when your time comes" Mina said

Sero knew she was right, but it was hard for him to let go of someone he loved so much.

"We'll help you get through this" Denki smiled

~A few months later~

Sero was doing better, and his kid would go visit once in a while to see how he was doing. The squad helped him a lot with his emotional state. He goes to visit Todoroki every once in a while and leaves flowers. He isn't in a relationship but was thinking of adopting another kid cuz he felt kind of lonely. So he did, he adopted a baby girl. They told him that she was 7 months old. After 3 months she was already crawling and Mina had decided that she was going to be the Aunt. Uraraka, Asui, and her were doing really well and they were basically rich. Denki, Kiri and Bakugou were also good.

When the girl turned 4 her quirk was a bit out of control but she learned with the years. When she turned 14 she said she didn't want to be in the hero school so she didn't do it. Hiro(their kid, I ended up naming him cuz of the other kid. The girl will be Luna) was a great hero and had a wife and two kids.

~Some years later~

Luna is 22, Hiro is 38 and Sero is 47. Sero fell ill and Luna would be there to visit him and take care of him but Hiro was doing hero work so he was busy most of the time. After Sero's health started declining Luna took him to the hospital and it turned out he was dying due to some unknown illness. He was interned in the hospital and they told Luna that he had to stay in the hospital. Luna would go visit often unless she had work at that time that day. Hiro would go visit when he had time. After Sero was interned in the hospital for about 9 months, he went into a LONG sleep. Luna took it very hard, he raised her and took care of her. He was everything she had aside from Hiro.

When they did the funeral Hiro was late which was not surprising and left early which was also not surprising since he got a call and had to leave. Denki, Kiri, Bakugou, and Mina showed up and Mina spoke at the funeral. Luna stayed after everyone left to have a moment alone.

"Thank you," she said, "Thank you for being there for me. I love you dad and I'll miss you a lot" she cried as she walked toward her car

The End


I had to. Sorry

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this story but this is the end. If you have any ship suggestions you can tell me. Have a nice day guys!

Bye Bye

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