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"Se-Sero, it's not what it looks like!" Todoroki said, "That's what a cheater would say, but I can explain"

"Are you dating Bakugou?"

Bakugou couldn't believe what Sero had just accused them of. "We aren't dating Sero" Bakugou was too mad to call him a nickname.

"Then why were you guys touching each other?"

"He was just helping me," Todoroki said "I-"

"Helping you?? With what? You guys have been all close since this morning, and it was out of nowhere! Why didn't you ask me for help?" Sero demanded

"Because I didn't want to worry you!" Todoroki raised his voice and instantly looked down, "please leave. I'll explain everything tomorrow" Sero left, and Todoroki broke down. He couldn't believe his boyfriend was accusing him of cheating.

Bakugou kneeled next to him to comfort him. He was being accused of the same thing so. "Come on. You have to sleep. Let's solve this in the morning"

"I know I'm in no position to ask but could you stay over until I fall asleep? I know that if I stay alone I'm not going to fall asleep." Todoroki asked embarrassed

Bakugou let out a sigh, "Fine but this will be the last time I do this" Bakugou said as he sat down next to Todoroki's bed. Todoroki laid down and looked up at the ceiling and sometimes would look at Bakugou. After a while, he fell asleep and Bakugou did too.


Sero left the room and started running toward Denki's room, hoping Kiri would be there. Unluckily Kiri was not in Denki's room so they had to walk over to Kiri's room.

"I have something to tell you. And I saw it with my own eyes..." Sero paused

"What is it?"

"Bakugou was in Todoroki's dorm. I think they were hugging or something"

Denki's face turned into a shocked one and then he started crying. Kiri's face was 'I can't believe what I just heard' but not completely shocked. Kiri hugged Denki and looked at Sero.

"Are you sure that what you are accusing them of is true? We don't want to be mad at Kat and just cut things with him because of some hug" Kiri said

"Bakugou said he was helping Todoroki with something. Why wouldn't Sho ask me for help?" Sero said

"That is a valid question" Kiri said

"I'm going to talk to him tomorrow so he can 'explain' what this was about"

"I need some air" Denki stood up and left the room

"I'll go talk to him, go back to your dorm Sero, we'll talk more in the morning" Kiri said

Sero stood up and so did Kiri. Sero opened the door and walked towards his dorm and Kiri went down to the common room.

"Denks?" Kiri said. He didn't yell it loudly but he didn't whisper it.

Kiri heard sobbing coming from the kitchen so he walked into the kitchen.

"Denks?" Kiri saw Denki sitting on the floor of the kitchen holding some ice cream. Kiri sat down beside him.

"Denks, I know you're upset but we don't know for certain if Bakugou is actually cheating. I know it's rare for Bakugou to help people but it's not the end of the world if he does help someone" Kiri wiped the tears off of Denki's face, "We'll talk to him in the morning and we'll see what's going on ok?"

Denki nodded and rested his head on Kiri's shoulder. "But what if he is cheating?" Denki mumbled

"Denks, don't think like that. We'll figure it out" Kiri reassured

Wrong Number SeroRokiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें