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"What happened to you?" It was Denki, Todoroki almost choked

"What are you doing here?"

"Aizawa told me to come check up on you and told you to hurry because they are starting," Denki said "What are all those scars?"

Todoroki let out a big sigh and looked at the ground, "Please don't tell anyone," Todoroki started, "Endeavor abuses me because he wants me to become strong, all of these scars are from his beatings"

Denki gasped, "I- I'm so sorry Todoroki"

"Please don't tell anyone, you're the only one who knows. I don't want anyone to know" Todoroki said

"I won't tell anyone, I promise. But if you ever want to talk or 'vent' you could come to me and I'll be here to listen" Denki said with a vibrant smile

Todoroki couldn't help but smile also. He didn't do it often but someone caring about it made him feel good. Plus, Denki's smile is contagious, he's always so positive despite always being turned down by people.

"How are you so positive?" Todoroki asked

"I can answer that later! Get dressed now, we don't want to get in trouble. I'll give you some privacy" Denki said as he was starting to walk out.

"Wait!" Todoroki said, "Stay... I don't want to be alone"

Denki was shocked, he was seeing Todoroki being vulnerable for the first time. He walked back to where Todoroki was but stayed far enough to give him his space.

"To answer your question, I honestly don't know. I've just been treated so poorly by everyone that I don't want anyone to feel that way"

Todoroki was left speechless. He was changing while thinking about what he had said. He didn't understand why he treated everyone so nicely. Everyone treated him like trash and yet he was always there to help others.

"I'll never understand how you do it" Todoroki said, "Let's go"

They walked out of the changing room and walked to the training room in silence. Todoroki thought it was comforting, having someone there for him was nice. Plus he wasn't planning on telling Bakugou about this so it was gonna be a little harder on him. But Denki was not biased toward him most of the time, he was pretty neutral so he liked that.

"Finally you guys arrive!" Kiri said, "Aizawa told us to practice with someone you think might give you a challenge to defeat"

"Oh well, there's not many options anymore right?" Denki asked

"The only ones left are you two so which means you guys are partners"

Denki and Todoroki looked at each other then nodded and walked to a space where they could train.

"I won't charge at you, let's just act like we're fighting" Denki said

'He's willing to do that?' Todoroki thought, 'What if he gets in trouble?'

"Wouldn't we get in trouble?" Todoroki asked

"As long as you're ok, getting in trouble is the last of my concern" Denki said with a wide smile

They acted like they were fighting. They weren't hitting each other but they were practicing their quirk control by fake fighting.

After training everyone started heading to the changing room to head to lunch. Todoroki stayed behind, he waited a couple of minutes until he thought he could go in. He walked inside but there were still people there. Then Deku walked over to him.

"Todoroki-kun I-" He was cut off

"I'm sorry but I don't wanna talk right now" Todoroki said as he walked off to his locker

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