13. Ruined Either Way

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'What happened last night?' Gaena questioned when Rhaenyra found her

'What do you mean?'

'There have been some worrying allegations about you. Were you with your uncle? Were you with Daemon?" Gaena asked.

'Oh, I...' Rhaenyra couldn't help but chuckle. 'I haven't seen him in years. He took me into the city for some fun. You know how much fun Daemon can be, I'm sure. You grew up with him."

'I did grow up with him which is why I know he does shady shit. Tell me the whole of it, Rhaenyra.' Gaena demanded

'Someone accused me of something. That I drank wine? Left the castle after dark?' Rhaenyra mused

'That you fսckеd Daemon in a pleasure house.' Gaena corrected

'This is a vile accusation.' Rhaenyra shouted back

'Is it? Daemon certainly knows no limit.' Gaena shot back.

'Gaena... Your Grace, auntie, you must know I would, I would never. You cannot believe such gossip.' Rhaenyra countered and Gaena scoffed. They were not friends, her acting now was to save her own ass.

'My source is no gossip.' Gaena countered

'Well, certainly he's been misled. He could not have witnessed such a thing.'

'Why not?' Gaena retorted.

'Because it did not happen.' Rhaenyra declared thoroughly annoyed. 'I am the Princess. To... To question my virtue is an act of treason.' She stammered out.

"Tell me now." Gaena demanded and Rhaenyra sighed.

'Okay, we... we drank in a tavern. Several... taverns.' Rhaenyra admitted 'It was getting late... and I asked to go home. But Daemon wished to continue. As he was my escort, I had no real choice.' Rhaenyra lied.

"Continue" Gaena shouted '... in a brоthеl?' She was digging her own grave and Viserys would be rid of her sooner rather than later.

'He took me to a show. I... I was only a spectator. I didn't do anything.' Rhaenyra assured 'And then Daemon sank into his cups and, uh... abandoned me for some whοre. I should've known better.'

'So you did not?' Gaena asked again.

'Must I truly refute that? Daemon never touched me. Okay, I swear this to you upon the memory of my mother.' Rhaenyra told her defensively.

'It was foolish of you to place yourself in a position where your virtue could even come into question. The King has strived to find you a good match. And so have I. If that lord were to think that you had been... sullied... it would ruin everything.' Gaena reminded her. But the rumors would spread whether they were true or not.

'I know... Your Grace. I regret it.' Rhaenyra regret nothing except getting caught.


'The King demands an audience, my Prince.'

'Take your fսcking hands off me.' Daemon demanded as he was grabbed he grumbled the whole way to the throne room where he was thrown down. Daemon heard the door slam shut and Viserys shoes slapping aggressively against the ground, he looked up to his brother from the floor.

'My daughter." Viserys shouted kicking daemon, he groaned from the ground in pain. 'Won't you even deny it?' Daemon coughed clearing his throat.

'I need to understand the charge before I can attempt to discredit it.' He said offering a charming smile.

'You defiled her.' Viserys shouted kicking him again, again Daemon groaned in pain clutching at his stomach.

'Still, you say nothing.' Viserys shouted down at him.

Bejeweled// Viserys Targaryen // Erryk Cargyll (2)Where stories live. Discover now