10. What you want

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Daemon stood basking in the sun when Rhaenyra found him.

"You seemed so content on Dragonstone.' She remarked. 'Why did you come back?' he opened his eyes and looked down at her. 'There is surely more to your return than simply taunting my father and your sister' She remarked. 'So... what do you want?' Rhaenyra questioned.

'Only the comforts of home.' Daemon assured as he moved to a buffet line and started picking at the food.

'I had not thought you particularly comfortable in this home. Though I do suppose you seem changed by your adventures. More mature, perhaps.' Rhaenyra offered

'You've matured yourself these last four years, Princess.' Daemon told her 'You'll get used to the attention.'

'The attention I can endure. It's the rest I could do without. My father seems content to sell me off to whichever lord has the biggest castle.'

'There are worse things to be sold for.' Daemon remarked sitting down. "marriage is only a political arrangement.' He informed her. "Once you are wed you can do as you like.'

'For men marriage might be a political arrangement.' She corrected 'but for women it is like a death sentence.'

'Would that it were. I would have been rid of my bronze bitch ages ago.' Daemon told her. He handed over his glass, she looked down at it.

"Your wife has been fortunate,' she remarked taking a drink and Daemon chuckled 'you have not put a child in her.'

'Oh...' Daemon mused. 'I doubt a child would grow in such a hostile environment.' He mused.

'My mother was made to produce heirs until it killed her.' Rhaenyra reminded him. "I wont subject myself to the same.'

'What happened to your mother was a tragedy.' Daemon confirmed. 'But this is a tragic world. You cannot live your life in hear or you will forsake the best parts of it.' Daemon told her confidently.

"I have no desire to live in fear. Only solitude.' Rhaenyra corrected.

'Such a lonely prospect.'


"I got you something." Erryk whispered and Gaena turned around.

"I love presents." Gaena remarked and Erryk held out a box. "You even wrapped it, how sweet." Gaena went on and Erryk chuckled. She pulled at the ribbon before looking back at him. "You know I have been really grateful for your friendship the past few moons its been nice having someone to talk to." Gaena told him softly. "This place... its hard at times. It is nice to have a friend."

"I am grateful for your friendship as well, your grace." Erryk assured taking a step closer to her.

"What is this for?" She resumed pulling at the ribbons.

"Just thought I would get you what you always wanted." Erryk said vaguely. Gaena looked up at him but he nodded to the box. She pulled it open and a little dragon charm dangled from a chain.

"Oh Erryk." Gaena was at a loss for words. "Thank you."

"I would have gotten you a real dragon." Erryk told her. "If I could."

"Thank you." Gaena repeated kissing his cheek, she saw the slight blush rise in his cheeks at the slightest of touches. "Could you help me?" Gaena asked and Erryk nodded eagerly she lifted her hair as he took the necklace. He let his fingers linger on her neck she felt his breath on her skin as she turned back around.



'The Step stones were meant to be won for the realm, but over the past few days, it seems we have traded a crabfeeder for a sea snake. This is clearly a rebuke for passing over Lady Laena for Queen Gaena.' Tyland Lannister remarked as the council listened intently.

'Years have passed since the business with his daughter. Certainly, he cannot still be wrathful?' Viserys pondered

'The Sea Snake is an over-proud man, to be sure, Your Grace. That pride has been injured. Perhaps we can salve the wound?'

'I fear Lord Corlys's pride is the least of our worries. I don't wish to cause you further distress, Your Grace, but my brother has sent disturbing word from Old town. Lord Corlys is said to have engaged in negotiations with the Sea lord of Braavos. He plans to wed his daughter Laena to the Sealord's son. If House Velaryon entered into an alliance with the Free Cities... then... we would have to seek our own marriage pact.' All eyes turned to Rhaenyra and all chances of Gaena and Rhaenyra being civil flew out the window.

Bejeweled// Viserys Targaryen // Erryk Cargyll (2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora