7. Vanquish

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'Come, sweet Prince. Let's give Her Grace some peace.' The handmaiden requested taking aegon away. he continued to scream reaching out for Gaena.

"It's alright." Gaena said stopping her. She reached out for him pulling him to her and he settled, she wiped at the tears on his little cheeks. "I got you..." Gaena looked up to the handmaiden. "You may go." She nodded heading out as Larys stepped in.

' Did you enjoy the hunt, Your Grace?' Larys questioned

'Well enough.' Gaena grumbled

'How fared the little prince?'

'The ladies Lannister and Redwyne were quite taken with him.' Gaena remarked. 'but that's not saying much."

'As they should be. He's the future of the realm. Well, you yourself witnessed the scale of the celebration, how it's united the men. When you bore the King a son, you ended 15 years of uncertainty and doubt. Aegon, like his namesake, was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms. If Viserys were to name him heir, the realm would fete him for it.' Larys remarked and Aegon smiled waving back at Larys. 'And does this not please you? Do you not want your son to be King?'

"I would rather aegon than Rhaenyra." Gaena agreed.

'You mustn't ignore the certain truth that if Rhaenyra were to step over Aegon to ascend the throne, the realm would tear itself apart.'

'They all swore obeisance to her, your house among them.' Gaena reminded him. "It doesn't matter what I want."

'That was before Aegon.' Larys reminded her and Gaena let out a long sigh. 'It wouldn't matter if she were Jaehaerys himself born again. Rhaenyra is a woman.' Gaena chuckled.

"With her temper no one would believe her to be my grandfather." Gaena assured. "She would hate me forever for stealing it from her... as though she doesn't hate me enough." Gaena hissed.

'It is Aegon that's being robbed. He's the firstborn son of the King. To deny that he is heir to the throne is to assail the laws of gods and men. The road ahead is uncertain, but the end is clear. Aegon will be king. You must guide Viserys towards reason. He'll never find it on his own.' Larys remarked.

"I enjoy our talks Larys." Gaena said as he turned to the door.

"As do I." Larys agreed smugly he moved back to her and kissed her hand. "Goodnight my queen."

"Goodnight Larys." Gaena rolled her eyes as she closed the door on him.


'How are you feeling, husband?' Gaena questioned as he felt the effects from his consumption hitting him hard as his head spun and his mind raced with all that went wrong today but seeing Gaena however blurry she was made him smile. He blinked his eye focusing her beautiful face before him.

'The gods have punished me for my indulgences.'

'At least the wine was good.' Gaena chuckled sitting down next to him.

'Too good.' He admitted as she propped her feet up into his lap, wiggling her toes.

'I was hoping we might discuss something.' Gaena said as he got the signal and started rubbing at her feet. Viserys was a good husband and father. He adored Aegon. He loved Aegon so much, it hurt Gaena to know that Aegon wasn't his. But ignorance was bliss.

'Rhaenyra?' Viserys questioned 'I do not think she enjoyed Jason Lannister's company. She is cross.'

'I warned you that she would be.' Gaena reminded

'Rhaenyra has come of age. She must needs marry a high lord who will honor her, defend her, and serve her as king consort. Her wishes in this matter are irrelevant.' Gaena chuckled. Rhaenyras wishes should always be irrelevant and they should ship her off to the rock name Aegon heir and live happily ever after... gaena stared back at viserys a moment more.

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